This is not an in depth research article into the events which took place on September 11, 2001. The aim of this post is to cover key details and glaring facts as well as guide individuals into their own research and understanding of 9/11. This event was planned far in advance and was used to forward the new world order. If you wish to know who the perpetrators of this event were, simply look at who benefited from it. Immediately after 9/11, the patriot act was enacted, stripping away the rights of Americans, and the war on terror in the middle east was greatly expanded.
Benjamin Franklin is quoted saying, "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
The date of 9/11 was chosen as it has special occult significance which we will look into.
Who benefited?
Benjamin Netanyahu is quoted after 9/11 saying, "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."
Notice how Netanyahu mentioned the Twin Towers but made no mention of building 7.
Must Watch Documentary
Time stamps: Intro: 13:36 Pentagon missing money: 13:37 WTC Complex Owner, Larry Silverstein: 19:23 Controlled demolitions & eyewitness: 28:41 9/11 News bloopers predict anomaly: 56:34 9/11 Commission cover-up: 59:16 Plane crashes examined: 1:08:00 Fmr. CIA case officer - pre knowledge of 9/11: 1:15:58 Who really was responsible?: 1:22:30 9/11 Planned well in advance as false flag, new world order catalyst: 1:34:18 Where are all the whistleblowers?: 2:00:57

9/11 or IXXI is a very important number or date in the occult world. Occultist are obsessed with numbers, numerology and gematria. 9/11 was a pre-planned event. 9/11 was instrumental in the advancement of a new world order.
Excerpt from George Bush’s speech:
“Once again, Americans have stepped forward to share a tearful good-bye with their families before leaving for a strange and distant shore. At this very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a new world order. That’s why they sweat and toil in the sand and the heat and the sun…
We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony …
What is at stake is more than one small country. It is a big idea — a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind — peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.”
Ever heard of the World Trade Center 7 Building or The Salomon Brothers Building?

WTC 7 is the most obvious, smoking-gun evidence that the official story of the 9/11 is not accurate. There is a reason most people have never even heard of building 7 and only think about the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the plane that crashed in a field when they think about 9/11. Everybody knows that the Twin Towers fell as a result of planes crashing into them. Building 7 is seldom brought up because it is so glaringly obvious what happened with it.
The media uses trigger words through repetition as a way of controlling peoples minds. Anyone who questions 9/11 or many other things, are immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist which is used as a derogatory word to discredit people. In court, prosecutes know that if you ruin the reputation of a key witness, the jury will not believe that witness, whether they are telling the truth or not. This is the same reason conspiracy theorist is used so often by mainstream media outlets. Right off the bat, people are labeled a conspiracy theorist which immediately discredits them and lumps them into a group which consist of other "conspiracy theories" made to immediately think a person is crazy or stupid. Another trigger word used is anti-Semitic. This term is used so loosely and is attributed to anyone who questions anything about any Jewish people, self-proclaimed Jewish people, Jewish institutions, the political Zion movement, or Israel. The term Anti-Semites is used to stifle all questioning, information, or controversy surrounding particular groups of people. People who are labeled anti-Semites are lumped in with the Nazis and the atrocities they did to the Jews, which Americans have had pounded into their consciousness by public schools and the media. The Holocaust was terrible, but there is a reason many other events, equally or more catastrophic and horrendous, are not covered in history classes or brought up in the media. There is a sect of people who call themselves Jews but are really against everything true Jews stand for. This is the powerful elite class of Zionist Jews. These people hide behind the events like the holocaust, groups like the Anti Defamation League, and terms like antisemitism. They use these terms and events as weapons to destroy free speech and the character of anyone who questions the official narrative. No group of people should be immune from criticism.
First off, these elitist who call themselves Jews are not even true Jews from the true Israelites of the tribe of Judah or Benjamin. These people are imposters who have hijacked and infiltrated a religion under the guise of Judaism and hide under the tragic events of the holocaust. Any persons or group of people who have a monopoly of control in any sector of society should be subject to criticism, but that simply is not the case. These Luciferians hide under the guise of Judaism and even control the media, so they will not allow any criticism of themselves to be brought up into the public eye or consciousness. There is much evidence to suggest Hitler and Nazi Germany were funded by these fake Jews. They have a long history of controlling and funding both sides of many wars. The Bolsheviks, Marxist and communism all sprung up from these satanist Jews. Hitler hated communism but we can see how he was funded by many powerful american companies still in operation today, the Bushes, and the Vatican. However, Hitler angered the wrong people when he decided to create his own central bank just as Abraham Lincoln. But obviously Abraham Lincoln was a much better man than Hitler.
There is overwhelming evidence that Israel played a key role in the events of 9/11, however, anyone who brings forth this evidence is immediately discredited and labeled and anti-Semitic or conspiracy theorist. Iran is one of the only countries left without a Rothschild central bank and that is part of the reason they are being labeled enemy number one of the free world. There will be a war very soon to kill many innocent people in Iran and take it over to establish a central bank there. Terrorist groups are created and funded by various governments and bankers to advance the objectives of the new world order. Countries like Iran know they have no fighting chance against the United States so why would they pick a fight with them? Blood thirsty war mongerer, John McCain, was clear of his intentions when he sung "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.." to US troops.
A meme perpetuated by the internet and media goes like this, "jet fuel can't melt steel beams". These are the crazy conspiracy theorist who claim the Twin Towers fell by a controlled demolition which resulted in the pools of melted steel which stayed in its liquid state for weeks after the collapse of the buildings. The media goes far to discredit this theory. However, with WTC 7, this argument is irrelevant. An unprecedented event occurred on 9/11 where a steel structural high rise collapsed on top of itself as a result of office fires with no plane striking the building at all.
WTC 7 was never hit by a plane but simple caught on fire from the burning debris of the Twin Towers.
Never before or after the collapse of WTC 7 has any steel structural building collapsed at free-fall speed on top of itself from a mere fire. The 9-11 Commission report claimed the building’s collapse was a complete anomaly and came up with an ill-founded theory to explain the extraordinarily rare mechanisms of WTC 7’s collapse.
Do you know why it takes expert engineers months to plan out the controlled demolition of a building? The hardest possible way for a building or skyscraper to collapse is straight down on itself. This is the path of most resistance. Engineers have to spend months planning the collapse of a building so no nearby buildings are damaged. Whenever any structure collapses, it falls first toward the weakest point in the structure. For a building to fall on top of itself at free fall speed would mean every steel column (81 columns) would be weakened at the exact time by fires throughout the building causing all columns to fail at exactly the same time. Then for the building to continue to fall on itself, there would have to be no obstacles in the way during the collapse. It is hard enough for this to happen with controlled demolitions and even then are there failures where the timing wasn't perfect or not all the explosives detonated and the building collapsed leaning over. Thinking WTC 7 fell at all from a fire is outlandish enough, let alone thinking the building fell on top of itself at free fall speed. Even more crazy is the fact that 3 controlled demolitions happened on the same day.
There are thousands of engineers, architects and demolition experts who have questioned the official story and believe it makes no sense. To have all 3 WTC buildings collapse into their own footprints all on the same day is impossible without extensive fore-planning. The National Institute for Science and Technology offers no real explanation for the collapse of building 7. There is documented video evidence from the day of 9/11 of bombs going off and hundreds of witnesses saying they heard bombs go off right before the collapse of all the towers. NIST did not investigate any of the towers for explosive residues. NIST claims there were no witnesses of bombs going off or noises loud enough to resemble thermite used in controlled demolitions. However, there were witnesses who testified of bombs going off (all over the internet), the more powerful, nano-thermite, is much quieter than regular thermite.

A BBC news reporter reports the collapse WTC 7 on live TV before the building collapsed. How would BBC possibly know or predict that the building would collapse when this was an unprecedented event? According to the 9/11 Commission report, this was a complete anomaly, and just in recent years, the National Institute for Science and Technology has come up with an explanation for it. However, the NIST explanation relies on many assertions rather than solid arguments.
9/11 Predictive Programming

There are even more examples of 9/11 predictive programming than what is shown above. The elites know people are so far from the truth that they can openly flaunt it in front of the masses faces and they will not rise up against them.
Predictive Programing – Planned future events are shown, often repetitiously, in all forms of media and entertainment such as television programming, movies, magazines, and newspapers. There are multiple reasons for predictive programming.
An occult belief is that the power of magic is increased when the person that is having the magic done on them is shown it ahead of time but is not able to stop it from happening. This is also one of the reasons for the blatant public flaunting of occult symbolism to the masses. Predictive programming is used often to condition people’s minds to receive a planned event easier when it happens and not react harshly or in an unpredictable manner. Predictive programming is used to show a designed reaction to a certain event over and over so the brainwashed masses react in a similar manner to their programming when the planned event does take place. Also, the psychopaths in power believe and say, “we showed you what we were going to do and you did nothing to stop us”. Even though people are having spells put on them, are poisoned, brainwashed, and kept too busy or distracted with entertainment and trying to make ends meet financially to ever research the truth for ourselves.
Illuminati Playing Cards

The Illuminati playing cards is a game created by Steve Jackson. The cards depict many agendas which used by the rulers of this world.
The Twin Towers

This is what a plane looks like after a bird hits it in mid flight.

Testing was done with a F4 Phatom Jet and a concrete wall. The Jet was placed on a track along with two rockets and slammed into a solid concrete wall. The Jet was atomized. Although the planes used on 9/11 were much larger, this gives us an idea of how strong planes are vs concrete.
John Skilling - Chief Structural Engineer of the World Trade Center

Lead WTC Structural Engineer John Skilling was rightfully confident that neither the impact of a large passenger jet nor the ensuing office fires was capable of bringing down the Twin Towers. “We looked at every possible thing we could think of that could happen to the buildings, even to the extent of an airplane hitting the side. . . . Our analysis indicated the biggest problem would be the fact that all the fuel (from the airplane) would dump into the building. There would be a horrendous fire. A lot of people would be killed. [But] the building structure would still be there.”
Passports of Supposed Hijackers Found Near The Twin Towers

The passport of one of the alleged hijackers was found on a nearby street of the twin towers in near perfect condition. How is this even remotely possible when the black boxes of the planes couldn’t even survive? The second, more blurry image, is the recovered passport of one of the alleged hijackers of the plane which crashed into the Pentagon.
Larry Sliverstein - Jewish American Businessman

The World Trade Center had been owned by the City of New York for 31 years and had never traded hands up until Larry Silverstein finalized a $3.2 billion bid lease agreement on April 26, 2001. After several years of dispute with insurers, Larry received a $4.55 billion settlement.
Did Larry have any foreknowledge?
Larry spent time in the World Trade Center building every morning but it just so happened that on 9/11 Larry’s wife made a dermatologist appointment for him, so he was not in the building on that fateful day. His sons also did not go to work that day.
Shortly after 9/11, Larry admitted he had designs for the new building 7 on April, 2000. He said, “Next thing you know we got the designs of the building and the first meeting was on April of 2000… and construction began shortly thereafter in 2002.”
Silverstein also slipped up in an interview with regards to building 7 and said he told people to “pull it” when it was burning. “Pull it” is exclusively used in controlled demolitions.

According to an Atlantic Magazine article written on May 7, 2011 – “Osama bin Laden cost America more than any villain, ever–which is exactly the way he wanted it. By conservative estimates, bin Laden cost the United States at least $3 trillion over the past 15 years, counting the disruptions he wrought on the domestic economy, the wars and heightened security triggered by the terrorist attacks he engineered, and the direct efforts to hunt him down.”
How was ABC News able to locate Osama bin Laden’s secret hideout and send their reporter John Miller to interview him? (Top Left)
Osama was put on the FBI’s most wanted list in 1999 for the deadly 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya.

On September 10, 2001, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon could not account for $2.3 trillion of its defense budget.
On September 11, 2001, the majority of the accounting offices of the Pentagon were blown up. This resulted in an extensive amount of documentary evidence of the unaccountable tax-payer money being lost. Coincidence?
The Boeing 757 had to be flown with tremendous precision and skill to crash into the pentagon with a speed of 540 mph at the supposed angle it did. The Pentagon is the worlds largest office building by floor area and is the headquarters of the Department of Defense. To this day, there is only 5 video frames released by the government from a nearby surveillance camera which shows no evidence of a plane crashing. All the nearby surveillance camera footage was confiscated by the FBI moments after the attack and no security camera footage from the Pentagon or surrounding surveillance cameras have ever been released. One of the most secure and sensitive buildings in the world and only 5 frames of video evidence. Come on!

President George Bush is depicted so innocently visiting an elementary school in Florida at the exact time of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. There his is informed by secret service that a second plane has struck the WTC and this is not an accident but an attack on America. Were Bush’s whereabouts publicly known beforehand? Yes. Was Bush evacuated? No. Instead, Bush stayed at the school for a considerable amount of time and was flown in his airplane with no special military escort. However, Vice President, Dick Cheney, was quickly evacuated from the White House to a secure underground bunker.
An odd event took place during Bush’s school visit… At the exact moment of the planes hitting the towers, the children, led by the teacher, recite to Bush “kite, kit, steal, playing, must”. The teacher has them say it like a drill seargent and when the students speak it sounds like “Kite, hit, steel, plane, must”. It is very probable this was a satanic ritual planned by the illuminati.
Cathedral of Saint John The Divine

Cathedral of Saint John The Divine is a cathedral in New York City. It is filled with occult symbols. The cathedral has a sculpture of the destruction of the Twin Towers which was made well before 9/11. There is a Jewish Kabbalah tree of life displayed at the cathedral as well. What does Jewish Babylonian occult mysticism have to do with a “Christian” church? There is also the depiction of the birthing of the Anti-Christ with a lamb underneath.
9/11 or IXXI Usage in The Occult

IXXI is the Roman numerals for 9-11. Pictured above is the IXXI symbology within the cube (saturn or moloch worship), hexagon, or hexagram. You can see the IXXI symbology with Freemason lodges as well.
Jesuit Rings - IXXI

Kabbalah Tree of Life - IXXI

ONE World Trade Center - Single Eye Occult Symbolism

A Ground Zero ceremony formed an eye as seen by the screen shot of a live CBS news feed whose logo is an eye. Underneath the One World Trade Center are several all-seeing eyes.
Occulus The New World Trade Center Transportation Hub

Oculus opened in 2016. The skylight of the Oculus will only open on 9/11 every year for 102 minutes, at the exact time the first tower was struck until the second tower fell. The Oculus is a giant closed eye that opens every year on 9/11. It is like the passing of the eye of a hurricane. This is also a symbol for the phoenix.
This is the freemasonic motto. Order out of chaos. They create chaos like 9/11 to advance their agendas and bring more of their order to the world.

Quotes on the phoenix

UN Headquarters Mural. This is full of satanic and apocalyptic imagery. Lucifer stands in the middle as the phoenix rising from the chaos to be worshipped.

London Olympics