Stand For Nothing, Fall For Anything.
This is how the masses, especially the youth, are so easily swayed. They do not stand on truth or fundamentals. Instead people buy into the cult of personality or the left-right paradigm which further divides and enslaves us all. People do not have fundamental beliefs or views and are therefore very easily manipulated and swayed one way or another. The cult of personality happens when people idolize someone and hold them above the truth. This can be seen with presidential candidates. People like a candidate so much that when they become president and do things they don’t actually agree with, the people will either ignore it completely, or come up with some kind of justification for it instead of standing on truth. The fact is, most people have no idea what they really believe in and don’t take the time to do their own research, and to think and draw their own conclusions on which to stand on. The second most liberating thing a person can do to free their mind is turn off the television. The #1 most liberating thing to believe in Jesus Christ and follow him and the scales will be lifted off your eyes and you will no longer be a slave to the things of the world.
Abortion and planned parenthood are modern day euphemisms for the widespread child sacrifice to Moloch or Baal. But according to the brainwashed and conscious seared masses, the barbaric Babylonian religious practices have all but long sizzled away in the rise of a sophisticated, modern and industrialized society. Most people do not realize that their perceptions of the world and beliefs are mostly not their own but have been given to them through psychological operations and social engineering programs. These same people are all apart of the matrix of the cult of personality and the left-right paradigm. The truth is that all Americans were born into slavery. This is a slavery that has no physical walls and no physical shackles. We were born into a system of mental and spiritual slavery. People are taught lies from birth and their reality is completely fabricated by the ruling elite classes who think of themselves as gods on earth according to their Babylonian belief systems. We are not taught our true history in school, nor are we equipped with skills to make each individual successful in life by school. Rather, we are trained and indoctrinated in schools from a very young age to be good working goyim or human cattle as the Talmud states. This is how the media successfully changes the moral standards and beliefs of entire nations in just a few short years. Through mind control and moral depravity, people are convinced that it is okay to slaughter their children in the wombs and allow the abortion clinics to sell their baby’s body parts and make millions of dollars in profit. Through mind control, the media is able to get a group of people to think this has something to do with feminism or women’s rights. It is because we live in such a self-centered society full of selfies and posting everything about their lives on social media for the world to see like they are so important.
Our occultist elite rulers know that they can completely control and destroy society if they first destroy the family and its morals. The social engineers not only started gangs in poor black communities but promoted a CULTure of sexual promiscuity, depravity, gangs, drugs, and violence within the black communities. Just look at pretty much any modern day hip hop or rap video and you will see women pretty much dressed naked and references to all kinds of sick sexual acts and all other types of depravity. At a more esoteric level, the occult wants people to be depraved like them and they know that sin creates an open doorway for their spells, sorcery, and demons to work on the masses to control them. This is why we have “Christians” who listen to this music and instead of living righteous and denying themselves for others and God, they are living wicked lives and reject Jesus Christ through their actions. When spells and curses are put into the music and the listeners agree with and like the music, then the curse is placed on them. Through their social engineering and laws, they promoted single parent households in the ghettos. This is all to destroy the poor classes. Not only do they promote drugs in the culture but the government works directly with the mafia, and drug cartels to destroy and control our nation while generating money for their black projects.
Another modern trend being pushed by the Illuminati puppets is “ass worship” or “eating ass” which involves sodomy of women. This is another tactic to destroy morals and promote homosexuality. All the Illuminati puppets, mind control slaves, and artist are all homosexuals and have taken part in sick rituals and human sacrifice. In the rap industry, you will see rappers dressed in skirts and promoting sodomy to push the homosexual agenda on the masses. In the occult, they teach to let go of all social constructs of morals and to let there be no boundaries by morals. This is why secret societies uses sodomy as one of the first forms of initiation and children are exposed to all forms of sexual acts at a very young age to condition them into thinking it is perfectly normal. The social engineers push this same practice on the masses through their children’s movies and throughout media. Just watching TV, it is practically impossible for children not to be exposed to very sexual content in the advertisements and through other means. Also, many children are exposed to pornography at a young age which they are not ready for and messes them up and causes sexual dysfunctions and a slavery to sin. Children should not have access to internet when unattended because they can very easily and innocently become curious and look up for instance a naked lady, and bam, they are exposed to things they have no idea about. This is the opposite of Christianity which tries to safeguard our souls from all sin and things morally wrong and to build up self control, and a hatred for all things bad such as pride, various lusts, sexual immorality, evil thoughts, etc. Christianity is about being pure while the occult is about defiling yourself as much as possible and being filled with pride through knowledge. It is completely self-centered to be all about yourself while Christianity is about denying yourself as an act of love. This is what we are seeing the social engineers do. This is how we get to people believing ripping a child up in the womb is a good thing. It is a completely evil and self-centered thing to do. This has nothing to do with women’s rights. You see the feminist movement pushing it.
It is completely hypocritical that the feminist movement is pushing for women’s rights and they are more than sexual objects and have a high value when the celebrities pushing this walk around half naked with their followers mimicking them, and promoting women to go topless etc. as a form of “liberation”. This is what Satanist believe Lucifer did when he free’d humanity from the oppressive creator. The thing is God is a loving creator and Father and just as human parents set rules for their children for their own good, whether the children understand it or not, so does God. But God gives us free will and we have the choice to do what is right and life or to chose evil and death.
It is literally the exact opposite of liberation as out of their mouths they are saying not to objectify women while they demoralize themselves by wearing next to nothing. You will often hear stories of actresses talking about how directors told them to dress revealing on purpose or to not act smart for their roles on purpose. When women dress modestly, people give them much more respect and instead of men staring at them, they place more value on what they actually have to say and think. The social engineering goes right down to how people dress, especially women. The famous celebrities, models, magazines and TV start the fashion trends and soon the masses follow suit. This is how fasion trends start and why people dressed so differently from the 80’s, 90’s, and today. Before the various forms of media, cultures and women wore pretty much the same thing for hundreds of years and it did not change much. If someone from the 50’s saw what the average women on the street wears today, they would think they are a prostitute. In fact, women today dress worse than the prostitutes of old. Just ask yourself, why do women wear skin-tight pants and men don’t? It is because the social engineers control what people wear and the clothing industries are all controlled, and so we are told what to wear and what is acceptable. At first something like yoga pants may be to revealing for public but it is quickly normalized and accepted by society.
If you are really for women’s rights and liberation, start the trend of wearing modest clothing again where all of women’s clothing is not just to show off her body to the public and pervs. If these celebrities are really for women’s rights, they would protest the porn industry which is another euphemism for prostitution but with a camera. Not only are women exploited but an unbelievable amount of men regularly watch porn or are addicted/enslaved to it. This literally changes how a man thinks and completely demoralizes all the men so that when they see a women all they do is think of them as sex objects. This is coupled with the revealing clothes women wear. The Illuminati knows pornography is a weapon to enslave men, decrease testosterone, pacify them into being weak and to act more like females, and to demoralize the entire nation. Porn takes up peoples time, ruins marriages, makes people less likely to marry or have children and it stops men from being productive. This is why in 2002, the Israeli military projected pornography 24/7 onto the Palestinians televisions. Christians do the opposite of objectifying women but instead do not look at pornography which defiles their minds and do not lust after women like the general public. For people and Christians struggling to quit pornography, they must continue to fight to stop because it is evil. So, you see the hypocrisy of the women’s rights movement, which Satan worshiping globalist like George Soros love to fund. We will look more into planned parenthood and see if it is really formed on women’s “liberation”.
Margaret Sanger

She was the founder of planned parenthood and was also a racist who believed in Eugenics. Surely the media would not let this information get out even though it is easily accessable online (for now). Planned parenthood is all about freedom of choice and love, right? This must be why so many rich elites are supporting this cause. Here are some quotes from her:
- “But for my view, I believe that there should be no more babies.”
— Interview with John Parsons, 1947 - “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” – Says the woman who was born in a family of 11 children and had 3 herself.
— Woman and the New Race, Chapter 5, “The Wickedness of Creating Large Families.” (1920) - “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”
— Letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, December 10, 1939, p.2 2
- “I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan… I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak…In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.”
— Margaret Sanger, An Autobiography, published in 1938, p. 366
- “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world, that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically… Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin—that people can—can commit.”
— Interview with journalist Mike Wallace, 1957 - “The most serious evil of our times is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children…”
— Sanger, Margaret. Woman and the New Race(1920). Chapter 5: The Wickedness of Creating Large Families.… - “Eugenics without birth control seems to us a house builded [sic] upon the sands. It is at the mercy of the rising stream of the unfit.”
— Sanger, Margaret. (1919) Birth Control and Racial Betterment. The Birth Control Review. - “As an advocate of birth control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the ‘unfit’ and the ‘fit,’ admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes.”
— Sanger, Margaret. (1921) The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda. The Birth Control Review, p. 5.… - “The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”
— Sanger, Margaret. (1921) The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda, Birth Control Review, p. 5… - “No more children should be born when the parents, though healthy themselves, find that their children are physically or mentally defective.”
— Sanger, Margaret. (1918) When Should A Woman Avoid Having Children? Birth Control Review, Nov. 1918, 6-7, Margaret Sanger Microfilm, S70:807.… - “A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.”
— Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 3, 27 Mar 1934.… - “No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood.”
— Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 4, March 27, 1934. - “Permits for parenthood shall be issued upon application by city, county, or state authorities to married couples, providing they are financially able to support the expected child, have the qualifications needed for proper rearing of the child, have no transmissible diseases, and, on the woman’s part, no medical indication that maternity is likely to result in death or permanent injury to health.”
— Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 5, March 27, 1934.
- “No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth…”
— Margaret Sanger, “America Needs a Code for Babies,” Article 6, March 27, 1934. - “Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”
— Sanger, Margaret. “My Way to Peace,” Jan. 17, 1932. Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress 130:198.… - “… these two words [birth control] sum up our whole philosophy… It means the release and cultivation of the better elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
— Margaret Sanger, “High Lights in the History of Birth Control,” Oct 1923.… - “Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease…”
— Sanger, Margaret (1922). The Pivot of Civilization. - “My own position is that the Catholic doctrine is illogical, not in accord with science, and definitely against social welfare and race improvement.”
— Margaret Sanger, “The Pope’s Position on Birth Control,” Jan. 27, 1932.… - “All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class… Knowledge of birth control is essentially moral. Its general, though prudent, practice must lead to a higher individuality and ultimately to a cleaner race.”
— Margaret Sanger, “Morality and Birth Control,” Feb-Mar 1918.… - “Feeble-mindedness perpetuates itself from the ranks of those who are blandly indifferent to their racial responsibilities. And it is largely this type of humanity we are now drawing upon to populate our world for the generations to come. In this orgy of multiplying and replenishing the earth, this type is pari passu multiplying and perpetuating those direst evils in which we must, if civilization is to survive, extirpate by the very roots.”
— Margaret Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, 1922… - “Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives… If we are to make racial progress, this development of womanhood must precede motherhood in every individual woman.” — “Woman and the New Race,” 1920
Margaret Sangers Letter To Dr. Clarence J. Gamble

Charles Darwin, the Father of Evolution, also belived in Eugenics and based his theories on it.