Marina Abramovic is a popular occult artist among elite circles. Her artwork is more than detestable, rather it is an abomination. There are common themes in satanic artwork such as children, blood sacrifice, goats, pentagrams, hexagrams, cannibalism, and death. Later down the page we will look at Marina’s ties to high level politicians and celebrities. Pictured on the right is also part of her spirit cooking ritual (at least what is shown in public). What is done in secret is far worse than most people could even bare to imagine.

Pictured below is Marina Abramovic with many famous celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Jay Z, and Will Ferrel. Also, pictured below is an “art piece” by Marina of an anatomically correct female made into a cake which many celebrities attended to eat the cake.

The term “Pizza Gate” orginated from a pizza shop in Washington D.C. whom many believe was a front for child sex trafficing and ritualistic abuse of children. The owner of the pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong, is James Alefantis. His instagram profile name was jimmycomet. There was also a nearby pizzeria called Besta Pizza. Some symbols to look for are the inverted pentagram and the moon which are occult symbols. Many of the pictures associated with Comet Ping Pong cannot be displayed here because there is frequent nudity and extreme references to sodomy and sex with children. James Alefantis also has connections to the Obama administration, the Clinton’s and Podesta’s and had visited the white house multiple times. Pedophiles talk in code and one code for child porn is cheese pizza. You look at the pictures below and decide for yourself if they are normal.

Below are bands which performed at Comet Ping Pong. Notice the satanic artwork which includes the single eye, pentagrams, upside down crosses, nudity, sex, blood and death. But according to the “Sex Stains” poster, all ages were welcome. There is also a snapshot of one of Sex Stain’s music videos which, once again, includes the boy lover symbol.

*Disclaimer for the content in the videos below.
I did not create these videos. I do not agree with everything in these videos. They are simply shared here as relevant information. As a matter of fact, so is the content I did post. Stick to the facts and use logic. Use critical thought to draw your own conclusions. Just because you don’t agree with some of the content, does not mean all other content has to be thrown out as well. That is a very immature way of processing and collecting information. An investigator must be able to go to places and sources others will only immediately shut their ears to because they share different opinions or do not agree with the source. Again, use critical thought and draw your own conclusions based off the evidence provided and your own research. Chew the meat and spit out the bones.
John Podesta was the former Chief of staff for Bill Clinton, a top adviser to Obama, and a campaign manager for Hillary. Notice the “art” behind him which was displayed in his office. Below is “art” inside the home of John Podesta’s brother, Tony Podesta. Tony is one of the most powerful lobbyist in Washington DC. As you can see the artwork is extremely sick. What kind of disturbed person could have this artwork in their home?

Below is artwork from one of Tony Podesta’s favorite artist.

Below is some of the emails leaked from Hillary Clinton’s server. Why are the Clintons, Obama’s, and Podesta’s tied to Marina Abramovic. Why is Obama spending $65,000 to fly in pizza and hotdogs? It totally makes sense and is normal for powerful people to email each other about pizza and pizza sauce, attend spirit cooking rituals, and sacrifice children to Moloch. Surely, they are not talking about children.

Below is artwork by Kim Noble who was a victim of and escaped child trafficking and satanic ritual abuse. I had to delete some because they were too terrible to subject peoples eyes to seeing. You will commonly see blood on the walls and words written backwards which is common among satanist and luciferians. They want to invert everything for their magick. you will also see the children floating above themselves in the paintings. This is picturing the dissisociation that occurs during extremely tramatic events. The is the main and perhaps sole cause for split personalities or multiple personality dissorder. Any child or adult who has this, it is a sure sign that they suffered extreme trauma as a child or SRA. Satanist believe that by committing the worst acts humanly possible, they can attract the most “energy” or demons to gain power from. Occultist believe that there is special energy in an innocent child who has not yet reached puberty. This is no new thing and has been going on for thousands of years where children were abused and sacrificed to appease and gain power from the gods.
Through the synthesis of occult rituals and occult knowledge with science, the nazis and a continuation of the nazi programs through project MK-Ultra, trauma based mind control has been exacted to a science in itself. Controllers are able to fracture children’s minds into different personalites and learn to control each personality and how to trigger a personality off and on. This form of trauma based mind control is also used much more subtly and on a subconscious level in children’s’ shows and movies. Often where traumatic events happen to the main characters such as Disney’s Bambi. This has been admitted from survivors of elite pedophile circles. The Wizard of Oz has been listed as a movie specifically designed for trauma based mind control and is used to create triggers. Notice the red shoes in the Wizard of Oz. We will look into that some further down.
Another common theme of satanic ritual abuse is the drinking of blood and eating of flesh of ritually sacrificed children or animals. Not only is this apart of the ritual but adrenochrome (used as a drug) is released by the adrenaline gland into the blood when people are terrified to death before they are sacrificed. Then the blood is consumed and it produces an extreme high. It has been said that this is the most powerful high on earth. The adrenochrome can also be harvested and sold on the black market.

Interview of a satanic ritual abuse victim.
A little unrelated to satanic ritual abuse, but below is the occult X symbolism. The most basic surface level meaning of this symbol is death. With occult symbols, there are always multiple meanings. The deeper, more esoteric, meaning are reserved for the “adepts”. Notice the frequent connection to Egypt and Babylon. Also pictured here is possibly the most famous or infamous occultist, Aleister Crowley. The same Crowley who stated in one of his writings, “the perfect sacrifice is a white male child of high intelligence”.

Why the red shoes? It’s hard to know the exact meaning of the red shoes but it is most likely an occult reference. There is a common denominator of the red shoes and that is rich and powerful men all of whom are associated with ritualistic abuse of children. Many say the red shoes are made of human skin and the red shoes are used in rituals as the blood stains match the shoes. The bizarre painting of Bill Clinton was found in Jeffrey Epstein’s house. The first few pictures show the artwork in Tony Podesta’s home with the children wearing red shoes. Satanist Kate Bush also has a song called red shoes with a music video. In the video, there are many occult symbols and with Kate dancing on bones and vegetables representing children. Is there a significance with the two French kings wearing the red shoes? The last two images are satanic artwork with children wearing red shoes. See the children running naked through the woods? This is what the elite do for fun on their private properties and islands. They let the children run and try to hide so they can hunt them down for fun to abuse or sacrifice them.

Here is more satanic artwork that can be found scattered all throughout the world. This particular artwork can be found at Frogner Park in Oslo, Norway. Very disturbing sculptures. Notice the underage children huddled together. This is what happens at elite parties. Then there is the man dashing children. There is a large tower of naked people which is a phallus symbol. Notice the serpent or dragon theme as well. These discuting elite parasites have been in control of the world for all of history. They spread their disease wherever they go. All they have to do is call something art and it is acceptable. Occultist have always been obsessed with orgies, sexuality, nudity, etc. That is why they are always creating pornography in the form of statues and calling it art to normalize it and make it acceptable to the public. It is also known that art is a front for human and child trafficking. That is why certain art can go for millions which very few people could afford or be willing to pay out.

The Franklin Cover Up
The shut-down of Omaha, Nebraska’s Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, raided by federal agencies in November 1988, sent shock waves all the way to Washington, D.C. $40 million was missing. The credit union’s manager: Republican Party activist Lawrence E. “Larry” King, Jr., behind whose rise to fame and riches stood powerful figures in Nebraska politics and business, and in the nation’s capital.
In the face of opposition from local and state law enforcement, from the FBI, and from the powerful Omaha World-Heraldnewspaper, a special Franklin committee of the Nebraska Legislature launched its own probe. What looked like a financial swindle, soon exploded into a hideous tale of drugs, Iran-Contra money-laundering, a nationwide child abuse ring, and ritual murder.
Nineteen months later, the legislative committee’s chief investigator died – suddenly, and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.
Author John DeCamp knows the Franklin scandal from the inside. In 1990, his “DeCamp memo” first publicly named the alleged high-ranking abusers. Today, he is attorney for two of the abuse victims.
Using documentation never before made public, DeCamp lays bare not only the crimes, but the cover-up – a textbook case of how dangerous the corruption of institutions of government, and the press, can be. In its sweep and in what it portends for the nation, the Franklin cover-up followed the ugly precedent of the Warren Commission.

Conspiracy of Silence is a powerful, disturbing Discovery Channel documentary revealing a child sex abuse ring that reaches to the highest levels of United States government.
Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, Conspiracy of Silence reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child sex abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.
Based on DeCamp’s riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up, Conspiracy of Silence begins with the shut-down of Nebraska’s Franklin Community Federal Credit Union after a raid by federal agencies in 1988 revealed that $40 million was missing. Rising Republican star Larry King, who founded the Franklin credit union, was at the center of the scandal, as reported in this Washington Post article.
When the Nebraska legislature launched a probe into the affair, what initially looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a startling tale of drugs, money laundering, and a nationwide child sex abuse ring, as reported in this 1988 New York Times article and this one. 19 months later, the legislative committee’s chief investigator on the case, Gary Caradori, was killed in a strange private plane crash. A dozen others linked to the Franklin case died strange and mysterious deaths.
So why have you never heard of the Franklin cover-up? Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, Conspiracy of Silence is believed to have been yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by certain top politicians. And all copies of this work were ordered to be destroyed.
On one such foray in 2002, he stumbled on a scandal that I had never heard of. The scandal centered around the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, which was created to serve a poor black neighborhood in Omaha, Nebraska. During the 70s and 80s, its manager, a man named Larry King (not the talk show host), ran the Franklin as a Ponzi scheme and looted over $40 million, which he spent on an opulent lifestyle and Republican fundraising. King sang the National Anthem at the Republican convention in 1984 and served on several committees of the National Black Republican Council. He had a townhouse in Washington, DC, where he threw parties with many prominent guests. In August 1988, he threw a $100,000 party at the Republican convention, and appeared in a video in which he and Jack Kemp urged blacks to vote for George H. W. Bush. In November 1988, his Ponzi scheme crashed and the Franklin was shut down by the National Credit Union Association and the FBI.
All run-of-the-mill scandal stuff, and uncontroversial in the basic facts, except that as King was climbing into the upper levels of the national Republican hierarchy, Omaha was boiling over with rumors that he was also running a pedophile ring, pandering children out to rich and powerful men in Omaha, even flying the children to Washington, Los Angeles and New York for orgiastic, abusive parties with even richer and more powerful men.
The late 80s and 90s were rough years for people to make accusations of pedophilia. Media of the left and right alike were debunking an array of scandals involving nursery schools around the country (most notoriously the McMartin Preschool in California). The charges of child abuse were often bizarre as well as horrifying, and were ultimately dismissed in court as Salem witch trial hysteria and the accused exonerated. “False memory syndrome” entered the language as a new psychological disorder and proved useful for understanding odd claims of “recovered memory” in many areas.
It was not until 2002, when the Boston Globe ran a courageous series on pedophiliac abuse by Catholic priests, that the national climate started to change. As more and more stories appeared in other outlets, it became clear and widely accepted that the Catholic church had been harboring thousands of pedophile priests around the world for decades, if not centuries. It was ghastly, and it wasn’t a witch hunt, and the revelations keep coming to this day (do a search on “Catholic priest” and “abuse”). It’s barely news anymore, but the stories are relentless. There was little or no “false memory syndrome” among the claims…….
But in Omaha during the first Bush presidency, with the nursery school scandals losing credibility around the country, almost the entire Omaha establishment closed ranks to discredit the accusers. By establishment, I mean the Omaha Police Department, Nebraska State Police, FBI, local and state judiciary, local and state and national media. Against them stood a few teenagers, most of them with drug problems, long rap sheets and traumatized brains. Their allies were some foster care supervisors and parents, plus a divided investigative committee in the Nebraska legislature. Under phenomenal pressure, the teenagers either retracted their testimony of sexual abuse or were crushed in court and sentenced to years in prison for perjury. Key figures in the case ended up dead in numbers that would astound any actuary but apparently interested no one in Omaha law enforcement…..
The book has two main heroes, Gary Caradori and Alisha Owen. An honored veteran of the Nebraska State Police and private detective, Caradori was chief investigator for the legislative committee. He tracked down Larry King’s reputed photographer in Chicago and flew his private plane there to retrieve incriminating photographs (pedophiles do love their porn). On his return flight, Caradori’s plane blew up in mid-air and the photographs were never found. The wreckage was spread over a wide area on a farm. The FAA was ruled that Caradori had lost control of his plane for an “unknown reason.”
Unlike most of the children who were abused during the scandal, Alisha Owen did not come from a massively dysfunctional family. Her parents were stable church-going Christians who happened to have energetic, rebellious teenagers. At the age of 14, she fell in with the wrong crowd, started going to Larry King’s parties, and later claimed that Robert Wadman, the Omaha chief of police, had raped and impregnated her and shoved the barrel of his gun up her vagina. She was put on trial for perjury.
Under enormous pressure from the media and law enforcement to recant, she refused. Friends who previously supported her story did recant and testified against her (and later recanted their recantations). Her younger brother, under arrest for joy riding in a stolen car, was found dead in his jail cell shortly before her trial. It was ruled a suicide despite indications of a beating before he ostensibly hanged himself. Nick makes a strong case that Owen’s lawyer, Pamela Vuchetich, was having an affair with the FBI agent, Mickey Mott, who appears to have been orchestrating Owen’s prosecution. Just before Owen’s trial, Vuchetich abandoned her client and started representing two key witnesses for the prosecution. This alone violated four or five of Owen’s constitutional rights. The account of the trial must be read to be grasped. Suffice it here to say that I didn’t think such a blatant kangaroo court was even possible in the United States, and none of the appeals went anywhere.
Owen did four years in prison for perjury. She has been a model citizen since her release and raised her daughter, who, I’m told, looks like Wadman.
Larry King was quickly removed from Omaha and hidden away for “psychiatric evaluation” after his credit union collapsed. He then pleaded guilty to financial crimes and did nine years in prison. He has never been questioned about the pedophile ring.
Why is the story still important? It’s not just an Omaha story.
King’s partner in crime in Washington appears to have been a man named Craig Spence, surely one of the oddest figures in the history of American politics. Once a correspondent for ABC in Vietnam, Spence subsequently made a living blackmailing rightwing politicians in Japan. In Washington, he had a large house that he used for parties. The house was bugged from floor to ceiling, and he often seemed to be in possession of information he could have learned only from the bugs. He bragged about his CIA connections. He was also in possession of White House china, proudly and illegally displayed in his house, that he likely grabbed on midnight tours of the George H. W. Bush White House. “Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush,” was the headline in the June 29, 1989 Washington Times. Sub-headline: “Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.” Spence, according to the article, was the organizer. Later articles said that Spence had been the tour guide on three more occasions and had a 15-year-old boy with him. At least one victim of the Omaha ring, Paul Bonacci, says he went on a late-night tour of the White House. Spence committed a convenient suicide later that year.
When homosexuals in government were discovered in past decades, the argument for firing them was that they were subject to blackmail (even after they were outed). Almost nobody makes that argument anymore, but surely pedophiles would be subject to complete control by blackmail and should not be anywhere near government, unless it’s a government prison.
The Marc Dutroux Scandal

The Marc Dutroux Scandal was one of the only large elite pedophile rings to be brought into public eye. This caused an uprising of the people in Belgium due to the blatant corruption surrounding the case.
“The case began with the arrest of Marc Dutroux in 1996. Two of the four dead girls found on his properties had been buried alive after being wrapped in plastic. Two more girls died of starvation in a home-made underground dungeon while Dutroux served a brief prison sentence. Part of the public outcry regarding the handling of Dutroux’s case stemmed from his previous convictions for similar rapes against young girls; despite the nature of these crimes, Dutroux had been released early, allowing him to re-offend…. Dutroux and his counsel consistently alleged that he had abducted and abused girls with police help as part of a child trafficking and abuse network connected to the elite of the Belgian establishment during his criminal proceedings. The claims were discussed by The Washington Post, which also noted that police had said Dutroux was part of a child-prostitution ring that may also have been responsible for several other disappearances still unsolved.
Reporters wrote that Dutroux’s “gang” allegedly offered to buy young victims for $5,000 apiece…. Dutroux also claimed that Belgian businessman Michel Nihoul had been his accomplice and was his link with a larger criminal enterprise. Nihoul was charged in relation to the case with “kidnapping, rape, conspiracy, and drug offenses,” among a total of 13 people who were charged in connection with the Dutroux case. Nihoul was acquitted of charges connected to kidnappping, but was convicted of participating in a ring that trafficked drugs and people into Belgium. Nihoul had expressed confidence to The Guardian after charges were initially brought against him, saying that the case would never come to court because he had “information about important people in Belgium that could bring the government down.” During the interview Nihoul boasted, calling himself the monster of Belgium. His allusion to sexual blackmail material paralleled Marc Dutroux’s allegations during court proceedings that Nihoul was connected to a network of powerful child abusers. According to the BBC, investigators believed that Dutroux and Nihoul were both part of a larger human trafficking network: “Investigators believe Dutroux and Nihoul were planning a long distance prostitution trafficking network involving cars and the import of girls from Slovakia…”
Fox News reported on the reaction of the mother of one of Dutroux’s victims, who said: “This has confirmed what I thought: They worked together… the recognition of this is a relief.” Nihoul’s conviction for trafficking drugs and people begs the question as to who else may have been involved in the network. Nihoul’s statement that he could “bring the government down” implied his criminal activities included ties with influential individuals, which echoed statements made by Marc Dutroux. Witnesses in the case identified Nihoul as a violent man who attended orgies where children were sexually abused, tortured and sometimes killed with members of the establishment present. The first judge in the case, Jean-MarcConnerotte, believed “Nihoul was the brains behind the operation,” The Guardian reported. The Telegraph reported that Dutroux’s lawyers had alluded to horrific claims of a “satanic cult” that included child sacrifice….
WikiLeaks summarized the Dutroux case: “Dutroux was a figure in the European criminal underworld and the case had connections to other underworld figures, to police corruption and from there to Belgium political figures.” This case then, is unique in having been documented twice over, first in a contorted legal record and secondarily by a publisher with a flawless record for accuracy. WikiLeaks’ Dutroux dossier also shows large financial transactions, maps of numerous European countries, and the presence of international currencies including that of Morocco and Saudi Arabia. The dossier shows payments of hundreds of thousands of francs to Michelle Martin, Dutroux’s then-wife, and to Dutroux’s personal bank account. It appears to be a reasonable inference from these documents that Marc Dutroux and Michel Nihoul were not acting alone in their criminal enterprises. Much as in the lack of analysis of DNA material recovered from Dutroux’s basement, the lack of investigation into Marc Dutroux’s financial connections increased frustration over an appallingly inefficient legal procedure. Marc Dutroux was as an electrician living on social security benefits during the time of the crimes, but nonetheless owned 10 houses. The New York Times wrote on this point: “…After several of the disappearances, Mr. Dutroux paid large sums of money into several bank accounts…Within four years of being released early from jail, where he had served time for rape and kidnapping, Mr. Dutroux — whose only official income was a welfare check — was worth an estimated 6 million francs, suggesting to investigators that he was acting for others higher up in a pedophile and prostitution ring.”…
The investigation was also mired by an unusually high number of deaths in relation to the scandal. These included the son of a judge, police officers, and even the chief prosecutor overseeing the case. The Guardian reported: “Since [Dutroux’s] arrest, twenty potential witnesses connected with the case have died in mysterious circumstances, fueling suspicions of a cover-up reaching the highest levels.” The Guardian added that important evidence had also disappeared…. Statements made by the well-loved judge in the wake of his removal provided additional indications of deep corruption connected to the organized trafficking, rape and murder of children. Media reports described Connerotte’s statements in court, where he said “high-level murder plots” had stopped his investigation into a “child-sex mafia.” Connerotte further described his belief that mafia groups had seized control of the “key institutions of the country.”
Connerotte discussed the information which was later published by WikiLeaks: “The file talks of seizure of children, foreign trafficking, and perhaps even of cells… The sum of 150,000 francs [£2,500] was mentioned as the price for girls. I was struck by the richness of these documents.”…. ‘X-witness’ Accounts Numerous women, codenamed “X-witnesses,” spoke to investigators working on the Dutroux case, claiming to have suffered horrific abuses at the hands of a criminal network linked to Dutroux and Nihoul, which had abused children in order to blackmail members of the Belgian establishment. According to BBC, the X- witnesses placed Nihoul and Dutroux at the scene of torture, rape and murder of multiple children along with other elite figures. Nihoul was also accused producing snuff films. The number of witnesses eventually reached to X9, according to a BBC documentary on the case. The New York Times also reported on the book “The X-Files: What Belgium Was Not Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair,” which extensively documented the X-witnesses’ testimony: “The book draws copiously from police files, transcriptions of the X-witnesses’ evidence, the findings of a parliamentary commission and other sources. Even if the way the X-witnesses testified seemed irrational, the authors say, many of the facts they described stand up to scrutiny.”
The first and most well-known victim to come forward was codenamed “X1,” her real identity later revealed in the press as Regina Louf. The BBC described Louf’s testimony: “It was big business – blackmail – there was a lot of money involved… sessions were secretly filmed without the clients’ knowledge.” The Guardian described Louf’s haunting allegations: “This ‘entertainment’ was not just sex… It involved sadism, torture and even murder, and again she described the places, the victims and the ways they were killed. One of the regular organizers of these parties, she claimed, was the man she knew as ‘Mich’, Jean Michel Nihoul, ‘a very cruel man. He abused children in a very sadistic way’, she said. Also there, she said, was the young Dutroux.” The New York Times also noted: “[Louf spoke of] having been sold into prostitution by her grandmother and later introduced into a circle of orgies at which… she had seen young children tortured and murdered.
The other X-witnesses, one of whom worked for the police, told similar stories of childhood abuse, and described hunts at which children were chased through woods with Dobermans. Mr. De Baets… had each of [Louf’s] statements checked out, and discovered that she had inexplicably detailed knowledge of the unsolved murders of two young women in the 1980s that supported the thesis of a conspiracy.” As noted by The New York Times, Louf’s testimony was regarded as remarkably accurate, to the point that she was able to correctly describe the scene of an unsolved murder. The BBC reported Louf’s detailed testimony had included details of names and locations where members of the establishment had engaged in violent orgies with children; Louf alleged that Michel Nihoul was a regular participant in events. Louf also claimed that children had been raped, tortured, and murdered during the fetid gatherings, with the crimes often filmed for blackmail purposes. The Guardian described Louf’s accuracy: “At least one of the murders she described matched an unsolved case… What Louf had described was a macabre torture which had eventually killed a 15-year-old girl she knew as Chrissie. ‘It was a sort of bondage,’ she told me, ‘so her legs and her hands and her throat were connected with the same rope, and so when she moved she strangled herself.’ ” Further verifying the veracity of Louf’s description, The Guardian wrote that the scene of the murder she claimed to have witnessed occurred in an underground mushroom farm. The report states that the son of the former owner of the location had stated, “I have never met Regina Louf. All I know is that she could not have described the house as well as she did unless she’d been there… It would be impossible to invent it.” Louf’s struggle to speak out on the horrific abuses she claimed to have experienced and witnessed ultimately failed. Investigators who believed her testimony to be credible were removed from the investigation, and her real identity was leaked to the press. After Louf’s identity was made public, her reputation was systematically destroyed. The BBC wrote that after her identity became known, a government-owned TV station RTBF began a campaign “designed to prove that Dutroux was an ‘isolated pervert’ kidnapping girls for himself, that there was no network, that Jean Michel Nihoul was innocent and Regina Louf was a liar.” After this point, the public effectively gave up struggling to find real justice for Dutroux’s victims. To protest systemic corruption was to be associated with insanity, and so outrage was morphed by shame into heavy silence. For years, the only answer to the known and unknown victims of Dutroux was the same: a resounding silence.”
The highly fortified, Chateau des Amerois nicknamed Mother of Darkness Castle

Some of the below information is speculation and I’m not saying it is all true but to save myself time, I am just copying and pasting information from another source.
“But a new book by three crime reporters, “The X-Files: What Belgium Was Not Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair,” published in French and Dutch in November, asserts that the X-witnesses were more credible than the conventional wisdom suggests. According to the book, the X-witnesses said that the prostitution, or worse, of children was commonplace. Mr. Bille tried to establish how many children had gone missing in Belgium. Several of the prosecutors’ offices failed to reply, but the Brussels region reported that 1,300 minors disappeared between 1991 and 1996.
First lets cover the Detroux affair, a massive pedophile network came to light and was hushed up. Marc Dutroux (born 6 November 1956) is a Belgian serial killer and child molester, convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls during 1995 to 1996, ranging in age from 8 to 19, four of whom he murdered. He was also convicted of having killed a suspected former accomplice, Bernard Weinstein, later proved insane. He was arrested in 1996, four years after the disappearance of his victims had begun, and has been in prison ever since, though he briefly escaped in April 1998. There was widespread anger and frustration among Belgians due to police errors, the general slowness of the investigation and Dutroux’s claims that he was part of a sex ring that included high ranking members of the police force and government. This anger pitched when the popular investigative judge in charge of investigating the claims was dismissed on the grounds of having participated in a fund-raising dinner for the girls’ parents. The investigation itself was wound up. His dismissal and end of the investigation resulted in a massive protest march (the “White March”) of 300,000 people on the capital, Brussels, in October 1996, two months after Dutroux’s arrest, in which demands were made for reforms of Belgium’s police and justice system.
In Belgium they have the X files too, but theirs refers to a series of horrific witness accounts of an alleged pedophile network. Five women and a male transvestite who testified anonymously in Belgium under the code-name ”X ” described an underworld of snuff films and sadomasochist torture that was almost impossible to believe. They stated that politicians and other highly prominent officials were involved. A massive pedophile network was coming to light and was hushed up as quickly as it surfaced.
Human skulls were found at sacrificial sites identified by witnesses in particular at the sects headquarters. The Satanic group behind the Belgian murders is said to be connected with similar rings in Holland, Germany, and America. In truth, it most likely will be part of the global network they operate in all countries. Satanism is being run like a transnational corporation and why not? These are after all, the CEO’s of major corporations and government officials of countries. There are many testimonies recorded during the Dutroux affair pointing to orgies organized in castles. Michel Nihoul, Marc Dutroux’s accomplice, organized orgies in his Faulx-les-Tombes castle. Child corpses have been exhumed in the park of the Château du Sautou which is close to the Belgium border and which was the property of the serial killer Michel Fourniret.
One of the global centers of Satanism is the Chateau des Amerois. Its view is protected by thick forests and guards keep out the curious. In the grounds is a cathedral with a dome containing 1,000 lights. When George Bush, then president, spoke of 1,000 points of light he was speaking in code about this place of initiation for the highest initiates of the Satanic pyramid. In this Satanic cathedral rests the throne of the high priestess of the upper hierarchy, a position known as the “Queen Mother”. Every day, it is apparently said that a child is sacrificed in the basement. Remember all this when you hear Lady Gaga‘s “Mother Monster”
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Home of Henry Makow Ph.D.
Illuminati Pedophile Rings: The Detroux Affair – April 19, 2011 “Child sexual abuse networks are part of the lifestyle of the generational satanists who make up the Belgian ruling elite. This behavior is not confined to Belgium.”
The ‘Detroux Affair’ definitely proves the existence of Illuminati pedophile rings. The scandal started with the arrest in Belgium of Marc Dutroux in 1996 for the abduction and murder of girls as young as eight. Dutroux imprisoned the girls in his basement where he sexually abused them and made pornographic videos. He would often murder them after they had served their usefulness. Two girls, An Marchal (age 17) and Eefje Lambrecks (age 19) were drugged and buried alive in Dutroux’s garden.
This case was explosive because Dutroux was a small cog in a sex-slave ring involving powerful people. His accomplice in the kidnappings, Michel Lelievre, testified, ‘Marc always told me that he kidnapped girls for people who had placed an order with him.’ He killed An and Eefje because the people who placed the order ‘weren’t interested in them.’
The orders came from a man named Michel Nihoul. A career criminal involved in financial fraud and drug trafficking, Nihoul had connections to the highest echelons of the Belgian establishment.
Survivors of the abuse networks were emboldened by Nihoul’s arrest and came forward to testify. Most witnesses were designated an ‘X’ followed by a number by the police, and so their testimonies became known as the ‘Xdossiers’.
The “X-witnesses” named the most powerful men in Belgium as abusers.
The use of abuse networks is characteristic of Elite families. For example, Count Maurice Lippens has been a regular Bilderberger attendee and co-ran Societe Generale in the 1980′s.
X1, X2, X4 and others named Maurice Lippens (left) and his brother Leopold, the long time mayor of Knokke, as vicious child abusers and participants in the snuff network. Curiously, Lippen’s Wiki page omits this fact.
Elite sex abusers marry other sex abusers. X1 and X2 mentioned Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, a Belgian aristocrat who was heavily involved in fascist organizations, as one of the most sadistic abusers in the network.
One of his sisters married Count Herve d’Ursel, who has been accused by X1 of involvement in the snuff and ritual abuse network. His other sister is married to Bernard de Merode, an intelligence-connected family that has been accused of child abuse by X4 and Nathalie W.
Even the Belgian Royal family has been implicated on several occasions. X3 (the only ‘X’ witness to have suffered abuse in the 50′s and 60s) implicated Prince Charles (1903-1983), the second son of King Albert I; King Baudouin (1930-1993), and the eldest son of King Leopold III.
Clearly child sexual abuse networks are part of the lifestyle of the generational satanists who make up the Belgian ruling elite.
This behavior is not confined to Belgium.
The children were sent to VIP parties in clubs and villas where they were subjected to oral and penetrative sex escalating to perversions of unimaginable horror. These include violent anal rape of children as young as three, long 11/19 torture sessions, and sex with animals. Some of the descriptions are horrifically fantastical, such X1′s testimony of giving birth:
“When the contractions started her [X1’s] grandmother made a phone call. The Lippens brothers, Vanden Boeynants and the assistant [police] commissioner of Knokke arrived. De Bonvoisin and Vander Elst arrived thereafter… Vander Elst puts a knife on her throat while Bonvoisin rapes her… She must masturbate while Vander Elst makes a number of photos. Lippens rapes her with a razor blade. When the child exited, de Bonvoisin beat her [multiple times in the face]. Directly after X1 gave birth she was raped and sodomized. Her daughter disappeared six weeks later.”
Due to the extreme abuse they suffered, the girls had Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) where the mind splits into tens and even hundreds of different personalities. These personalities are brought to life by different triggers, for instance a compliant sex-slave can be brought into existence by a certain word. When we hear X1′s testimony of her mind control, it is clear her ‘pimp’ Tony was trained in these techniques:
‘He gave me different names: Pietemuis, Meisje, Hoer, Bo. The names slowly started to become part of me. The strange thing was that if he mentioned a name, the mood that fit that name was immediately called up.’
The different personalities X1 describes give a horrifying window into the psyche of a sex-slave, ‘Pietemuis [Small Mouse] became the name of the little girl that he brought home after the abuse – a scared and nervous girl that he could comforted by talking to her in a caring and fatherly kind of way. Meisje [Girl] was the name of that part of me that only belonged to him. If he abused me in my bed in the early morning, for example, or if there was no one around us. Hoer [Whore], the name of that part of me that worked for him. Bo, the young woman who cared for him if he was drunk and needed to be looked after.’
‘Now you just leave that to me,’ he said when I asked him curiously why he gave me so many names, ‘daddy Tony knows you better than you know yourself.’ That was true.”
This is of course MK-Ultra mind control, evidence that abuse networks are internationally run by the secret services and criminal entities. The children were usually murdered by the time they reached their 16th birthday. X1, X2, X3, X4 and others all spoke about children being murdered. These murders were often captured on video and shown at abuse parties and made into snuff films sold on the black-market for tens of thousands of dollars.
The abuse networks function as a system of blackmail to make sure everyone in the Illuminati and their criminal organizations toe the line.
X1 describes her role:
“In Brussels there was a villa in which a room was set up with built-in cameras. Even in the 1970s these cameras were so discreet that only the people who maintained them and the child- prostitutes knew where they were located… Why did I have to get those guys clearly in the picture, why was I supposed to get them to hit me and brutally rape me?… Blackmail, the word that was never mentioned, I only started to really understand when I was thirteen, fourteen years old…”
She learned that sex with children was a way to create and shore up business contracts. This is how the process worked (presumably continues to work):
X1′s handlers invited someone who could be useful to them to dinner and after they had been liquored up, to a party. Cocaine was plentiful and the men were led to ideas by child porn films played on video screens. The ‘prey’ were 12/19 then taken to a room where a child lay waiting. After the sex, ‘Not one of these people was still inclined to sign contracts with individuals outside the network. If that happened one could make them pay dearly for that.’
Even Michel Nihoul has admitted that abuse networks are used for blackmail in an interview with Der Spiegel in 2001:
“I control the government. … Everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation. … This is the Belgian disease. …”
“[Voice recorder turned off. For a 6-digit sum] I will give you a picture on which then Prince Albert jumps a 16 year old girl. Naked. Shot at the second floor of the Mirano Club 20 years ago [where a pedophile blackmail ring allegedly was situated, according to other witnesses]. … Then I have to leave Belgium.”
If a member of the Illuminati or one of their lackeys wants to get out, change their ways and repent, blackmail keeps them in-line. If you sell your soul to the devil you don’t get it back.
INVESTIGATION THWARTED The Dutroux Affair a perfect illustration of how the justice system and mainstream media work in tandem with the establishment to hide the truth.
The investigation was thwarted from the beginning. The examining magistrate Jean-Marc Connerotte was appointed to the case. Connerotte was a good man and couldn’t be bought and so was taken off the case. He later said in court, ‘We were told by police that [murder] contracts had been taken out against the magistrates,’ and that ‘organized crime methods’ were used to ensure that his investigation ended in failure.
His replacement was a man named Jacques Langlois.(pictured right) He immediately decided that he didn’t want to hear anything about child abuse networks, and became one of the key figures responsible for dismantling the whole Detroux investigation by ignoring countless leads and sending his investigators off into all kinds of bogus issues.
Police commissioner Georges Marnette played a central role in these disinformation schemes. Both X2 and Nathalie W. identified Marnette as an abuser in the network.
Very quickly, the witnesses and parents of missing children lost faith in the justice system. Tiny Mast, whose daughter Kim Heyrman went missing in 1994, became a good friend of X1. She stated:
“I can tell hundreds of stories which, if I compare them with what the Verwilghen commission labeled as “mistakes”, really stretch the imagination. Those guys are so aggressive and so inhumane that I sometimes feel that they are part of the same clique as those who took away my 13/19 children.”
To give you an idea of how much of a cover-up was involved, Langlios met with the producers of ‘Au Nom de la Loi’, an influential French-language TV program. Following these meetings, ‘Au Nom de la Loi’ broadcasted four extremely manipulative prime-time TV programs from 1997 to 2000 in which they tried to convince the public that Nihoul was an innocent victim in the whole Dutroux affair.
There have been at least 25 suspicious deaths tied to the Dutroux case , with even more reports of intimidation. The deaths became so obvious that Jean Denis Lejeune, the father of one of the girls kidnapped by Dutroux, remarked:
“As if by coincidence people die. There is no explanation for their deaths. For instance, they are victims of a deadly traffic accident just when they are under way to testify. Or one finds their charred bodies. Our judiciary apparently doesn’t have sleepless nights over this.”
The Belgian public knew very well it was a cover-up. Their anger found expression in the famous ‘ White March’ where 300,000 people marched through the streets of Brussels in silent protest. It changed nothing.
Detroux was eventually jailed for life while Nihoul was found not guilty of abducting and murdering children. Those higher up the food chain were left untouched.”
Jeffrey Epstein

“First criminal case
The International Business Times reported that papers filed in a 2006 lawsuit alleged that Epstein installed concealed cameras in numerous places on his property to record sexual activity with underage girls by prominent people for criminal purposes, such as blackmail.[77] Epstein allegedly “lent” girls to powerful people to ingratiate himself with them and also to gain possible blackmail information.[75] In 2015, evidence came to light that one of the powerful men at Epstein’s mansion may have been Prince Andrew, Duke of York.[75] A former employee told the police that Epstein would receive massages three times a day.[73] Eventually the FBI compiled reports on “34 confirmed minors” eligible for restitution (increased to 40 in the NPA) whose allegations of molestation by Epstein included corroborating details.[78] Julie Brown‘s 2018 expose in the Miami Herald identified about 80 and located about 60 victims. She quotes the then police chief, Michael Reiter, “This was 50-something ‘shes’ and one ‘he’—and the ‘shes’ all basically told the same story.”[4]
Conviction and sentencing (2008–2011)
On June 30, 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a state charge (one of two) of procuring for prostitution a girl below age 18,[85] he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. While most convicted sex offenders in Florida are sent to state prison, Epstein was instead housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County Stockade and, according to the sheriff’s Office, was after 3 1⁄2 months allowed to leave the jail on “work release” for up to 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. This contravened the sheriff’s own policies requiring a maximum remaining sentence of 10 months and making sex offenders ineligible for the privilege. He was allowed to come and go outside of specified release hours.[86]
Epstein’s cell door was left unlocked, and he had access to the attorney room where a TV was installed for him, before he was moved to the stockade’s previously unstaffed infirmary. He worked at the office of a foundation he had created shortly before reporting to jail; he dissolved it after he had served his time. The Sheriff’s Office received $128,000 from Epstein’s non-profit to pay for the costs of extra services being provided during his work release. His office was monitored by “permit deputies” whose overtime was paid by Epstein. They were required to wear suits, checked in “welcomed guests” at the “front desk”. Later the Sheriff’s Office said these guest logs were destroyed per the department’s “records retention” rules (although inexplicably the Stockade visitor logs were not).[87] He was allowed to use his own driver to drive him between jail and his office and other appointments.[86][87]
Epstein served almost 13 months before being released for a year of probation on house arrest until August 2010. While on probation he was allowed numerous trips on his corporate jet to his residences in Manhattan and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He was allowed long shopping trips and to walk around Palm Beach “for exercise”.[88]
After a contested hearing in January 2011, and an appeal, he stayed registered in New York State as a “level three” (high risk of repeat offense) sex offender, a lifelong designation.[89][90] At that hearing the Manhattan District Attorney inexplicably argued unsuccessfully that the level should be reduced to a low risk “level one” and was chided by the judge. Despite opposition from Epstein’s lawyer that he had a “main” home in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the judge confirmed he personally must check in with the New York Police Department every 90 days. Though Epstein had been a level three registered sex offender in New York since 2010, the New York Police Department never enforced the 90-day regulation, though non-compliance is a felony.[84]“
How did Epstein get so rich?
Nobody knows how Epstein amassed a net worth of over 500 million dollars and possibly over 1 billion.
“The mystery source of Jeffrey Epstein’s wealth could be buried in a 1980s fraud case resurfacing as the billionaire financier faces a slew of sex-trafficking charges. For years, Epstein’s old boss, Steven Hoffenberg, has claimed that Epstein was his accomplice in a Ponzi scheme Hoffenberg ran through his Towers Financial Corp. Hoffenberg briefly funded The Post from January-March 1993, before losing control of the paper. While Hoffenberg sat behind bars for 20 years in a New Jersey federal prison, Epstein allegedly lived a sex-crazed lifestyle in which he preyed on underage girls as young as 14, federal prosecutors allege. Investigators describe him as “a man of nearly infinite means,” but the source — and magnitude — of his money has long been a Wall Street enigma. Epstein’s Virgin Islands-based Financial Trust Co., a money management firm for billionaire clients only, “generates no public records, nor has his client list ever been released,” Forbes wrote in a 2010 article titled “Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein Is Not a Billionaire.” After the hedge-funder was arrested last Saturday on child sex-trafficking charges, Hoffenberg’s claims began to re-emerge. In a new interview, Hoffenberg said Epstein was “totally in the mix” of the scheme that defrauded 200,000 investors of $460 million. “He was my colleague daily, seven days a week,” Hoffenberg told Quartz magazine this week. Tower investors also claimed in an August lawsuit that Epstein “knowingly and intentionally utilized funds he fraudulently diverted and obtained from this massive Ponzi scheme for his own personal use to support a lavish lifestyle.” Epstein used the fraudulent funds to found Financial Trust in 1996, a business he used to manage the money of Victoria’s Secret mogul Les Wexner, among other clients, the investors allege. In court papers filed in conjunction with Epstein’s bail application — which offers his $77 million Upper East Side townhouse and private jet as collateral — Epstein’s lawyers asked a judge to keep his financial records under wraps.”
Second criminal case:
On July 8, Jeffrey Epstein was indicted on sex trafficking charges.
Strange circumstances around his alleged suicide.
While in federal jail Jeffrey was caught attempting a suicide. He was then saved. A few weeks later, he apparently killed himself in prison. This is very strange considering he was such a high profile case and would have been on suicide watch for attempting suicide once already. Ask anyone familiar with the prison or jail system and they will tell you how hard it is to commit suicide while on suicide watch. A former inmate of the prison said it would be impossible to kill yourself in a cell the way Epstein supposedly did. Most likely Epstein is still alive and enjoying a good retirement on maybe another pedo island. The picture below shows the “dead body of Jeffrey Epstein”. As you can see by comparing his dead body with an actual picture of himself, these are not the same people. The nose and ear clearly do not match. Interestingly the Epstein camp sent over Michael Baden to watch over the autopsy. Baden has worked on many high profile cases.

The very first file describes a 2006 West interview by Palm Beach PD with Epstein’s former houseman and butler Mr. Alfredo Rodriguez. Rodrigues was employed by Epstein from 2004 to 2005 and is responsible for leaking Epstein’s “Black Book” which he believed would be his insurance policy. It was reported that Rodriguez circled the names of individuals he believed would be material witnesses to the crimes of Mr. Epstein. Rodriguez unsuccessfully attempted to sell the Black Book and its contents to (attorneys/prosecutors) for 50,000 USD. However, Nick Bryant, author of the “Franklin Scandal” came into possession of the Black Book and after finding little interest from mainstream outlets and after numerous attempts to publish, the material finally was made public by Gawker in 2015 .
Furthermore, in a separate disclosure of the passenger manifest from pilot flight records aboard Epstein’s private jet The Lolita Express, the names of more high-profile guests traveling to his Caribbean Island were published by the UK tabloid the Daily Mail. Even with such evidence, the information generated little attention by the mainstream press at the time much to the surprise of Bryant and those who had been investigating Epstein.
Together, Epstein’s Black Book and the “Lolita Express” flight logs contain the names and contact information of some of the most well known and powerful individuals in American and British society.

The very first file describes a 2006 West interview by Palm Beach PD with Epstein’s former houseman and butler Mr. Alfredo Rodriguez. Rodrigues was employed by Epstein from 2004 to 2005 and is responsible for leaking Epstein’s “Black Book” which he believed would be his insurance policy. It was reported that Rodriguez circled the names of individuals he believed would be material witnesses to the crimes of Mr. Epstein. Rodriguez unsuccessfully attempted to sell the Black Book and its contents to (attorneys/prosecutors) for 50,000 USD. However, Nick Bryant, author of the “Franklin Scandal” came into possession of the Black Book and after finding little interest from mainstream outlets and after numerous attempts to publish, the material finally was made public by Gawker in 2015 .
Furthermore, in a separate disclosure of the passenger manifest from pilot flight records aboard Epstein’s private jet The Lolita Express, the names of more high-profile guests traveling to his Caribbean Island were published by the UK tabloid the Daily Mail. Even with such evidence, the information generated little attention by the mainstream press at the time much to the surprise of Bryant and those who had been investigating Epstein.
Together, Epstein’s Black Book and the “Lolita Express” flight logs contain the names and contact information of some of the most well known and powerful individuals in American and British society.
Flight Logs
- Bill Clinton (Attended over a dozen times)
- Prince Andrew (The Duke of York)
- Alan Dershowitz
- Doug Band
- Larry Summers
- Ghislaine Maxwell
- Naomi Campbell
- Kevin Spacey
- Chris Tucke
Black Book
- Donald Trump
- Prince Andrew (The Duke of York)
- Alan Dershowitz
- Ehud Barak
- Les Wexner
- Ghislaine Maxwell
- Peter Soros (nephew of George Soros)
- Bill Richardson
- Bruce King
- Courtney Love
- Sarah Ferguson (The Duchess of York)
- Edouard de Rothschild
- Evelyn de Rothschild
- David Rockefeller
- David Koch
- Henry Kissinger
- Michael Bloomberg
- Steve Forbes
- Richard Branson
- Edgar Bronfman Jr.
- Ted Kennedy Jr.
- Senator Edward Kennedy
- Andrew Cuomo and Kerry Kennedy
- Senator John Kerry
- Jean Luc Brunel
- Saud Prince Solman
- Princess Firyal (Jordan)
- John Paulson
- David Blaine
Vicky Ward’s July 9 Daily Beast story on Epstein contains information the media and its establishment controllers will at all cost have you forget. Alexander Acosta, the former US attorney in Miami that cut the original super-lenient Epstein prosecution deal in 2007 and is now Trump’s labor secretary, was told at the time to back off on serving justice in the case of a wealthy and well-connected serial pedophile. Acosta admitted this when he was coached by the Trump transition team ahead of a confirmation hearing.
Ward writes:
“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.)
A former CIA and military intelligence officer, Robert David Steele, also believes Epstein is linked to the Mossad as part of an elaborate blackmail operation.
According to Steele, Epstein’s “[Lolita] island was rigged with video recorders. Many politicians have been compromised. It was a Mossad/CIA operation… There are videos of some of the most powerful players in the most humiliating positions. If this gets out, not only are the politicians ruined, but the extortion game is over and suddenly, the influence CIA and Mossad wield over Washington, is gone.” (Interview with Steele, The Millennium Report radio program, February 18, 2017.)

Jeffery Epstein’s own private island, nicknamed orgy island, pictured above. Notice the Egyptian temple and sun dial. Drone footage of the island has shown several entrances leading underground on the island. The media has informed the public that he has sexually abused girls as young as 14 but it is highly likely what’s really done on the island is far worse than the public will ever know. It is not a far stretch to say that it is likely satanic ritualistic abuse of children, human sacrifice, blood rituals, and cannibalism has taken place at the island.
A glimpse inside the mind of a wealthy psychopath
It is interesting to note Epstein’s fascination with transhumanism. This is a subject the public is largely unaware of but is a commonly discussed topic amongst Silicon Valley technocrats, occultist, and the world’s richest elite circles. Occultist believe through evolution and knowledge they can obtain immortality and become “gods”. This goes back to Genesis when the great Serpent deceived mankind by the forbidden knowledge with the first lie being “ye shall be as gods”. Transhumanism is being used already some in the medical field but will become much more common in the near future as new technologies are slowly normalized and introduced into society. The work to build a brain-computer interface is already in the works by powerful companies, Elon Musk’s Neuolink, and DARPA.