What is in vaccines?
Regarding the MMR vaccine, the CDC states:
“The rubella vaccine virus is cultured in human cell-line cultures, and some of these cell lines originated from aborted fetal tissue, obtained from legal abortions in the 1960s. No new fetal tissue is needed to produce cell lines to make these vaccines, now or in the future. Fetal tissue is not used to produce vaccines; cell lines generated from a single fetal tissue source are used; vaccine manufacturers obtain human cell lines from FDA-certified cell banks. After processing, very little, if any, of that tissue, remains in the vaccine.”
The most notable and concerning ingredients found in vaccines:
- Aluminum hydroxide – neurotoxin
- Aluminum phosphate – neurotoxin
- Aluminum salts – neurotoxin
- Thimerosal (mercury) – extremely toxic neurotoxin
- Formaldehyde – embalming agent and known toxic carcinogen
- Barium – radioactive neurotoxin
- Acetone
- FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye
- Human serum albumin – (component of human blood)
- Human-diploid fibroblast cell cultrures (strain WI-38) from MRC-5 cells – “derived from lung tissue of an aborted white (caucasian) female fetus”
- African Green Monkey kidney cells
- Triton X-100 – (chemical cleansing agent)
- Bovine serum albumin
- Bovine calf serum
- Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf
For a complete list of ingredients in vaccines, follow the above link. It is interesting to note that if you simply search in google for vaccine ingredients or what is in vaccines, it will be very hard to find a complete list of ingredients or even a mention of the hazardous neurotoxins stated above. What you will find is mostly articles, some by the CDC, assuring concerned parents that vaccines are perfectly safe. This is an outright lie. It is not safe to inject, via a needle and syringe, some of the most toxic neurotoxins known to man in a small child whose neurological development is in such early stages. It is almost as if someone is trying to conceal the fact that these substances are in the vaccines at all or how hazardous these substances really are. Do not be fooled!
With all of these extremely toxic ingredients being injected into infants whose brains are in the most critical stages of development, it is no wonder people are concerned about the safety of vaccines. This is not to mention the alarming exponential increase in neurological diseases in children such as autism. Another disturbing fact is that aborted fetal tissue is injected into people. The CDC states the reason Thimerosal is used in vaccines is for a sterilizing agent in multi-dose vials. It is very common for flu shot vaccines to be in the multi-dose vials. So, the CDC justifies injecting an extremely toxic ingredient into people for the sake of saving money by utilizing multi-dose vials. Without even questioning the efficacy of vaccinations, why are toxic ingredients added to vaccines to be injected into people? This is supposed to make people healthier, so why compromise the vaccines by adding so many toxic ingredients? Is it worth it?
One of vaccines main purpose are for depopulation. Don’t believe me? One of the biggest philanthropist and supporter of vaccines in the world is Bill Gates. Bill has spent huge sums of money to ensure poor children in third world countries get their proper vaccinations. Why is he so concerned about third world countries? Out of his own mouth, Gates claims that he is concerned about the overpopulation of these poor countries and their ability to sustain themselves, so he believes vaccines will work to reduce population growth. Not only are the Gates large supporters of vaccines but they are helping to fund Harvard studies into Geoengineering.
How can improvements in vaccines and health care lower the population growth by 10% – 15%? These should decrease infant mortality rates and the overall health of people thus having more people living longer, healthier lives. This would mean more people to have children. This goes against all logic and common sense. For damage control, the website Snopes released an article “disproving” the controversy around Bill Gates’s statements. According to Snopes, Bill Gates believes that people in poor countries would have less children if they had vaccines because they would know their children would be more likely to survive to be healthy adults, so the parents would decide to have less children. This is just absurd and is against all logic. Bill Gates has stated in interviews that globally the population growth is under control and is being reduced, however, the problem resides in the poorest countries where the population could triple by 2050 which would cause a scarcity in resources.
It is interesting to note that Bill Gates’s father, Bill Gates Sr., was head of Planned Parenthood. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced in 2017 that they will give $375 million to population-control efforts which is 60% more that they have given so far to the global abortion and contraception initiative. In 2010, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledged $10 billion over ten years to research, development and delivery of vaccines to the world’s poorest countries.
An Article by CNN Buisness About Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
New York (CNN Business) Steve Jobs was a wizard who “cast spells on people” to help keep Apple afloat during the company’s darkest days, according to longtime rival Bill Gates.
The Microsoft (MSFT) founder discussed his and Jobs’ leadership styles with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Sunday. Both men are known for being tough leaders who foster an intense workplace culture.
Gates said people often emulate the negative elements of the Apple (AAPL) founder’s personality, but Jobs was also a unique leader who took Apple from near-death to its pedestal as the most valuable company in the world (before Microsoft usurped that crown this year). Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy when Jobs rejoined the company in the late 1990s; it is now worth just shy of $1 trillion.
Jobs was “a good example of ‘don’t do this at home,'” Gates said. But nonetheless, he added, “I have yet to meet any person who in terms of picking talent, hyper-motivating that talent and having a sense of design, of ‘this is good, this is not good.’ So he brought some incredibly positive things along with that toughness.”
Gates said Jobs had a way of turning around failures by “casting spells” both on his own staff and outside observers. Gates dropped a Harry Potter reference when he called himself a “minor wizard” for being able to see through Jobs’ “spells.”
One prominent example: After Jobs’ co-founded Apple, he built a company called NeXT that made an expensive flop of a computer. Still, he managed to bring widespread attention to NeXT and sold the company to Apple in 1996.
“It was complete nonsense and yet he mesmerized those people,” Gates said. “Steve is really a singular case where the company was on a path to die and it goes and becomes the most valuable company in the world with some products that are really quite amazing. There aren’t going to be many stories like that.”
Source: https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/08/tech/bill-gates-on-steve-jobs/index.html

Bill Gates Claim's Vaccines Will Be Effective At Reducing The World Population & Carbon
Leaked Pentagon Recording Showing The Discussion Of A Vaccine Against "Religious Fundamentalist"
This begs the question: What are we being subjected to through these extensive vaccination programs? Vaccines to alter our behavior and beliefs? It is interesting to link the definite possibility of vaccines causing or proliferating autism. I am not sure of this entirely, but I have thought the question, “does autism have anything to do with intentional behavioral modification projects via vaccinations or intentional anti-God witchcraft?” What do I mean by anti-God witchcraft? Autism is a social disorder that can often be pretty extreme and debilitating. Now I am not going to say that all autistic people are atheist, but I know several autistic people who are atheist. I only know a small sample of the autistic population but those sample of people have a much higher incidence rate of non-belief. And isn’t anti-social behavior anti-God in many ways? Hmm… Something to think about.
Covid-19 Vaccine Update of Article -2021
What has long been a crazy conspiracy for years is now the well accepted reality of the new world. That is forced vaccinations. This will not be an exhaustive expose of the current manufactured crisis (I will save that for another post), but I will give a summary of the truth with regards to this. The vaccines being pushed on us currently (2021) are not even technically vaccines in the traditional sense. The Covid vaccines are a form of gene therapy treatment and witchcraft. In the past, vaccines were simply viruses injected into people for their body to build up the sufficient immunity to the virus that they would not be harmed by it when encountering the virus in the environment. The mRNA vaccines being used today do not work by viruses being injected into us, but rather, a code for our cells (RNA) to tell our cells what to do and make. This is one of the most, if not the most, invasive procedures to be done on a human. The Covid vaccines are quite literally altering how our genes are expressed and altering our genes themselves. They may even be altering one’s DNA which God has given them. This is pure demonic witchcraft. What is the number one thing Satan wants the most? It is to exalt himself to God over all and destroy the Lord’s most precious creation (humans) and bring us to hell with him. This is what the Covid mRNA vaccines are doing.
May the Lord have mercy on all who have taken this witchcraft, God-forsaken, poison and may the Lord Judge all evil doers pushing this vaccine. If you have a pastor or religious leader that is in favor of or pushing this vaccine, then RUN! Or show this person the truth about the vaccines and if they will not listen, then RUN! May the Lord judge all false ministers who have pushed this witchcraft on their sheep and have not taken heed to watching over their sheepfold. Look how close the vaccine is to the mark of the beast which the devil will require all to take or they will not be able to participate in the economy. The vaccine is just like the mark of the beast. It will either be the mark of the beast in the future or is a precursor to it. And you are telling me that pastors can claim total ignorance on not seeing the dangers of this vaccine and the forcible push for it? If God will allow any certain religious leaders space to repent, I pray they do, but if their time is up, then the blood is on their hands and they can no longer plead ignorance but may the Lords judgment be upon them.
Prevalence of Autism
- About 1 in 59 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network.
- ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.
- ASD is about 4 times more common among boys than among girls.
- Studies in Asia, Europe, and North America have identified individuals with ASD with an average prevalence of between 1% and 2%.
- About 1 in 6 children in the United States had a developmental disability in 2006-2008, ranging from mild disabilities such as speech and language impairments to serious developmental disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, and autism.

There are thousands of cases of parents who claim their children were perfectly fine until they received a vaccine. Immediately after the vaccinations, the children started have symptoms of exposure to neurotoxins and eventually were diagnosed with autism or some other neurological disorder. This is also the case with flu vaccinations. The rate of autism in boys is 1 in 50 and has no sign of slowing down. There must be a reason for the sudden increase in autism rates.