The Illuminati was founded in May of 1776 by one, Adam Weishaupt (pictured above). Interesting to note, this was the same year that the United States declared its independence. Weishaupt was trained by the Jesuits and later became a catholic priest. Under the financing and control of the House of Rothschild, Weishaupt defected from the Jesuits and formed the Order of the Illuminati or the Bavarian Illuminati. Weishaupt then joined the occult organization called Freemasonry where the vast wealth and power of the House of Rothschild was used to slowly subvert freemasonry and seize control of its power structure through covert means of blackmail.
A common practice in the occult is to use lust, power, and greed to entice and blackmail to seize control of people within the upper echelons of society. The most common method is human sex trafficking, especially of children. This method is also used by intelligence agencies like the CIA to infiltrate opposing governments and organizations. Once blackmail is obtained, political leaders of any nation and CEO’s of large corporations can be under the complete control of those who possess the dirt on them.
The Illuminati is absolutely a satanic occult organization designed to seize control of governments, religions, banking, and private industries through subversion and infiltration rather than invasions. Who controls the money in the world, indeed controls the world. International wars and domestic conflicts and movements are orchestrated to move towards the master plan. Just as the Nazis successfully propagandized a nation and changed an entire societies view of reality, the Bavarian Illuminati and secret societies around the world work together to alter the realities of entire nations. This is no new thing and has been used for thousands of years by the ruling elite class to more easily control and dumb down society. This is seen today as the U.S. government decides the curriculum of our children and the same very selective viewpoints on history and science. Meanwhile the Americans are lulled to a deep sleep through television programming. The modern sports and entertainment industry is just a resurrection of the days of the Roman Colosseum, which was used to appease and distract the public while the government leaders and senators waxed rich selling out their own nation to its demise. There is also the powerful weapon of social media. All this is used to control and distract the public and keep them at a superficial level while, in secret, the elites of this world carry out their master plan for a new world order. A one world, globalist, communist, utopia which gives an extremely small class of elite complete control of the entire human race. Under the guise of peace, with no more war, one religion, one government, and in perfect unity where money is not wasted on wars but on the scientific and intellectual advancement of society.