Exposing the enemy
If you love the truth you will seek it, and when you seek it, you will find it. Jesus is the ultimate truth, but this page will show the truth of the devil that you may see the devil is real and so is Jesus and the holy scriptures of the bible.
Ephesians 5:11-13And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are mad manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
*Warning* some of this content is graphic in nature and hard to view. I pray your heart and mind is protected when viewing.

“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.” ~ Manly P. Hall, 33º Scottish Rite Freemason.

From the White House, big cities, and small American towns, the Freemasons have had their hands in government operations since the founding of America. But who are the Freemasons and what do they really believe in? How can the organization be so powerful, vast, and influential, yet they largely remain hidden from the public view behind closed doors? For an organization that claims to do so much for charity and communities, what is so secret that members are sworn into secrecy with a sword to their throat and brought to take blood oaths of death?

In this world, wealth is power. Therefore, the first and largest step in establishing a new world order is controlling the monetary systems of the world. To find out who has the power, we have to look at who has the most wealth.

The Illuminati is an occult organization founded on May 1st 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. Originating in Bavaria and funded by the Rothschild banking dynasty, the Illuminati quickly subverted and gained control over various organizations, governments, and powerful secret societies such as Freemasonry.

The New World Order is the globalist master plan for a one world totalitarian government. This is an ancient plan and the term has been used with increasing frequency in recent years as politicians have popularized the term and agendas of the satanic plot are coming to fruition.

The “triad claw” is a Marrano gesture which signals the letters M & W, symbolizing 666 from the three V’s. The letter V is “waw” in Hebrew and “vav” in Gematria and is the 6th letter in both. This hand sign has been linked to freemasonry but predates it back to approximately the 1200’s. Many have tied the hand sign to the Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, and Knights of Malta.

The Skull and Bones Society, Order 322, or The Brotherhood of Death is a cult at Yale University. Many of its members have gone on to be very prominent members of society. This includes Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, politicians, buisness executives, and members of the CFR.

In 1975, CIA Director William Colby testified in front of congress during an investigation into Operation Mockingbird. Mockingbird was a CIA project launched in the 1950’s (same time as project MK-Ultra) utilizing 1/3 of the CIA’s budget to infiltrate major media networks and inject propaganda into the minds of the American people.

Freedom of the press? It is only an illusion. The Illuminati will not let any company, group, church, news outlet or any organization raise to power and influence without being sold out or subverted. Remember history… Government has always used information as a weapon. Control the information of the working class, control an entire population’s perception of reality.

Monarch mind control programming comes from the United States government project MK-Ultra. Many celebrities are under monarch programming.

The most powerful weapon to every be created was the television or tel-lie-vision programming. Programming is exactly what the television is used for. 5 or 6 corporations now own 90% of all media. That is Hollywood, news media, newspapers, magazines, etc.

The term “Pizza Gate” originated from a pizza shop in Washington D.C. whom many believe was a front for child sex trafficking and ritualistic abuse of children. What is satanic ritual abuse and how are the leaders of the free world connected to it?

Baal means lord and is just another name for Satan or Lucifer. Sacrifice of children by fire to Baal has been done for thousands of years and has never ceased but rather gone under the radar and consciousness of the general public. Of all ancient structures to bring back, the leaders of this world are openly resurrecting the arch from the temple of Baal (god of child sacrifice) at significant global centers across the world. But just like all the pagan gods popular in modern government architecture, this must have no significant reason and is completely normal… Right?

The Roman Catholic Church is not a christian organization, nor has it ever been since its conception. It is simple a continuation of the unholy Roman Empire. The same empire which crucified the Lord Jesus Christ with the synagogue of Satan’s whispering in its ears. This is why the Popes still shares the same title of Pontifex Maximus with the Roman Emperors. With knowledge of the occult, Babylonian religious systems, the religions of ancient Rome, and the teachings by God from the Bible, it is clear that the Catholic Church is steeped in Babylonian occult mysticism masked and re-branded under the guise of Christianity.

Revelation of John Chapter 2 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. 10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

How many of us grew up on Disney films as children? While our parents were busy, they allowed us to watch our innocent family-friendly Disney movies. Remember how we would watch the same film 7 times in one week? Well it turns out that Disney is not so innocent or family-friendly.

More information on television programming and its use as a subversive mind control weapon.

The origin of Alice in Wonderland is much darker than people realize. Lewis Carroll was a pedophile interested in the occult who took many nude photos of the little children he befriended. Alice in Wonderland is popular in occult circles with its ties to trauma based mind control and dissociation of children as they chase the white rabbit. It must make complete sense that Disney so popularized Carroll’s nonsensical literature.

Celine Dion is another wicked Illuminati member. This has been made obvious by her children’s transgender clothing line full of satanic symbols to further rub in the faces of the sleeping masses with the occult, or not so occult, agendas of the new world order.

Luke 10:18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and so is a symbol. The media uses repetition to brainwash the masses and blind them from understanding the meaning, use and purpose of symbology. By showing the repetition used, it is easier to identify the meaning of symbols via correlation and association.

More evidence showing famous celebrities strange obsession with eye balls. Maybe they all want to be optometrists. Common people. How much more evidence do I have to show you before you wake up to the reality that your favorite celebrities are satanists?

From Let It Be to Imagine, the Beatles have produced some of the most influential music ever. It sounds so good and loving but a deeper look at the Beatles will uncover their sick love for Satan. Just another creation of the the social engineers.

The great masquerade ball is another product of the Babylonian traditions of our rulers who have pushed their disease on the masses to further normalize their perversions. The masquerade is a reality of the elite.

The Denver Airport is steeped in controversy and occult symbolism. Many believe the airport will be a key location for the one world communist government once the hard reset takes place.

9/11 was a huge occult ritual by the ruling elite. A definite false-flag operation by the synagogue of Satan fake Jews in Israel to advance the new world order. Advancement it did. From the patriot act, mass surveillance, threats and fear of terrorism, and “weapons of mass destruction”, the ritual performed on 9/11 has done much damage to the freedom of the people.

Isn’t it so nice to know that the same globalist who are calling for a new world communist government are also very well concerned about our well-being by supporting causes for depopulation? Oh, the hypocrisy of our world. They love us so much to use their vast amounts of wealth obtained through wars, and usury to help us not be so populated all the while much of the world is starving to death and barely scraping by as they rape us of our resources, money, and rights constantly.

Vaccines main purpose are for depopulation. With all of these extremely toxic ingredients being injected into infants whose brains are in the most critical stages of development, it is no wonder people are concerned about the safety of vaccines. This is not to mention the alarming exponential increase in neurological diseases in children such as autism. Another disturbing fact is that aborted fetal tissue is injected into people.

“Climate engineering or climate intervention, commonly referred to as geoengineering, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system, usually with the aim of mitigating the adverse effects of global warming.” Source: Wikipedia

Abortion and planned parenthood are modern day euphemisms for the widespread child sacrifice to Moloch or Baal. Eugenics is well alive today and its agendas are justified by climate change and overpopulation. The Goyim or human cattle have made enough money and technology for the elite, and they have decided it is time to reduce the population for the new world order to take full effect.

The Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland was one of the most blatant occult rituals done by the world leaders.