Media Mind Control

Freedom of the press? It is only an illusion. The Illuminati will not let any company, group, church, news outlet or any organization raise to power and influence without being sold out or subverted. Remember history… Government has always used information as a weapon. Control the information of the working class, control an entire population’s perception of reality.  Government means to control people and that is what they have done for thousands of years. The same tactics are still being used today. Has the ruling class not always wanted a dumb population to easily control? Today’s media and information has been completely monopolized and has long been subverted by governments and secret societies. They are the gatekeepers of information while all dissenters will be drowned out, silenced and discredited. Chains and shackles are no longer needed. New technologies with constant bombardment of information has enabled controllers and social engineers to create a prison for the people’s minds. The greatest slave is one who does not know he is a slave and who loves his masters.

In 1975, CIA Director William Colby testified in front of congress during an investigation into Operation Mockingbird. Mockingbird was a CIA project launched in the 1950’s (same time as project MK-Ultra) utilizing 1/3 of the CIA’s budget to infiltrate major media networks and inject propaganda into the minds of the American people.

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