The Triad Claw
The “triad claw” is a Marrano gesture which signals the letters M & W, symbolizing 666 from the three V’s. The letter V is “waw” in Hebrew and “vav” in Gematria and is the 6th letter in both. This hand sign has been linked to freemasonry but predates it back to approximately the 1200’s. Many have tied the hand sign to the Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, and Knights of Malta.
According to Britannica, “Rosicrucian teachings are a combination of occultism and other religious beliefs and practices, including Hermeticism, Jewish mysticism, and Christian Gnosticism. The central feature of Rosicrucianism is the belief that its members possess secret wisdom that was handed down to them from ancient times.”
This symbol is the mark of a highly organized and sophisticated satanic order. Do you recognize any of these prominent political, historical, scientific, religious, and artistic figures?