The most powerful weapon to every be created was the television or “tel-lie-vision programming”. Programming is exactly what the television is. Five or six corporations now own 90% of all media. That is, Hollywood, news media, newspapers, magazines, etc. The human brain is very impressionable and humans as a whole have a herd-like in mentality. People take comfort in groups and fear standing out or being different from others. People like to conform to the standards of others. This is basic human psychology. The television has been largely successful in the demoralization, ideological subversion, brainwashing, and dumbing down of an entire nation. It is so powerful as a weapon because the vast majority of Americans are addicted to the television and use it for hours every day as their main source of information for many Americans.
Have you ever spent a long time with someone and you subconsciously picked up on their habits? This is what happens when people watch hours of programming everyday. They start to talk like, act like, dress like and behave like the people on the TV and their favorite actors and TV personalities. Also, TV is used to normalize and desensitize people to certain ideas. This is where demoralization comes in.
The TV rots peoples brains. Corrupt corporations have complete control of what is shown on TV and have complete control of the information fed to the masses. These organizations are instructed by arms of the Illuminati like the CIA who also work with other arms of the Illuminati like the Tavistock Institute which has been involved with the research and application of the ideological subversion (propaganda) of the United States. Our entire education system is set up to stifle critical thought, and reward those who comply to authority and do not challenge the established view points. Ever heard of common core? The educations system, media, and the internet feed the same views to the masses. On any given topic, most people have either viewpoint A, B, or C, all of which has mostly been spoon fed to them from the cradle. Only few people ever even consider that there are viewpoints D through Z. When people are only getting their information from TV and mainstream sources, their critical thought is limited to the information that they have been fed. Most people are either Democrat or Republican, or pro __ or anti __. One of the most liberating things a person can do for their mind is give up watching television.
Television is used to divide the masses against each other. The most common method for advancing an agenda is called the hegelian dialect. This consist of a creating a thesis, then anti-thesis, and finally manufacturing a synthesis or resolution. A problem is created, a reaction is shown, and finally a solution is created. For example, all the major news networks start by covering a topic and instilling fear into the minds of millions. We are told that we must do something about it. The democrats say one thing and the republicans say the opposite. Finally, both parties compromise and a solution is made.
At the very least, TV is a complete waste of time. Imagine how much more productive and smarter a person could be if they replaced their two or three hours of daily TV time to doing active research, reading books, exercising, working on projects or hobbies, working on yourself, spending time with your family, and praying. People actually think that the TV makes them smarter and informs them. If TV makes you smarter, how can people so easily plop down on a couch and watch a few hours of TV as an escape from reality? People consider it a form of relaxation. In just a few seconds to minutes upon looking at a TV screen, a person’s brain enters into an alpha wave state induced by the hypnotic flicker of the screen. The alpha state is a hypnotic state of deep relaxation and daydreaming. The areas of a persons brain responsible for critical thought are shut off while their brain switches from an active state of learning to a passive state of mostly receiving without filtration. Ever notice people staring into the television like they’re in a trance while being oblivious to the things around them? This is why people so easily fall asleep watching TV. People are placed into a dreamlike state. This makes peoples brains even more impressionable. However, when one is doing their own research on a topic, their brains are actively working to process information and use critical thought to draw conclusions.
Not only are humans’ brains made vulnerable to subconscious and subliminal programming, but their literal state of physiology can be manipulated through electromagnetic fields produced by television programs. Research into altering the physiology of humans via EMFs have been going on since the invention of the cathode ray (before TV). Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on research on the topic and there are hundreds of patents readily available on Google to get a glimpse into the technology. The applications and implications for this technology are innumerable. Everywhere people go they are constantly immersed in EMFs either by a TV, computer or cell phone in the room or in their pocket. This is all it takes to produce an EMF strong enough to stimulate a person’s nervous system in a multitude of ways which includes: inducing physical harm on a person, stimulating fear in a person, stimulating a person sexually, causing tinnitus, or injecting thoughts into a persons head via V2K or voice to skull technology. Specific EMFs can be created and assigned to TV programs, news, websites and AI algorithms.

A quick read on mind control technology: