They Have Said In Their Hearts, “Surely, We Shall Not See Tribulation”

I have started this article off with some scriptures and an introduction and after this I have shared a very powerful testimony of an answered prayer concerning coming tribulation and a “storm” to come.


2 Timothy 3:12-14

12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;


Acts 14:22

22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

America, it’s time to wake up. Christians in America have trusted so much in their riches and thought in their hearts that tribulation should not come near them. They have forgotten all the things their ancestors had went through, and they have not considered all the evil happening to Christians across the world. Christians are the most persecuted group of people in the world. However, the media does not report this for a reason. They do not want it in the conscience of Americans. 

The Roman poet, Juvenal, said “Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt”. This concept can be applied directly to the American people today. The evil rulers use this as a means to control the population and carry out their evil deeds. The Romans kept the population under control and submissive to evil by providing entertainment and giving out food. America is indeed little Rome. All one has to do is look at the Roman government buildings, the Roman gods littered all over government buildings which supposedly have a separation of church and state, and the way our court systems and democracy is designed around Rome. By the way, America is supposed to be a constitutional republic not a democracy. Washington District of the Babylonian goddess Columbia was originally called Rome, Maryland. America is the modern ressurection of the Roman Empire. 

Revelation 18 says by sorcery were all nations deceived. I tell you, assuredly, that television PROGRAMMING and chemicals in our food, water, and the pharmacological drugs are all used as sorcery. You can even look up look up the etymology or origin of the Greek word pharmakia which means sorcery. Instead of praying for our brethren who are poor and afflicted, Americans are glued to their entertainment with little to no care for others. The mass availability of entertainment has completely wrecked the body of Christ today and lulled them to sleep. As long as Americans have their cheap poison processed food and a television, they are perfectly content. The Bible says, “in the last days perilous times shall come. Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, LOVERS OF PLEASURE MORE THAN LOVERS OF GOD; having a form of godliness, but denying the power therof: from such turn away. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. So do these resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 

King David said, “Before I was afflicted I went astray.” It is often when people have been made fat and happy and given the fleshly desires and lusts of their hearts that they forget God. This is why Jesus said blessed are the poor because when man is rich it is much easier for him to depart from God. I once heard, “their are no lukewarm Christians in the middle east.” In heavily persecuted areas of the world like the middle east, Christians are either totally on fire for the Lord or they are not. Their is no being lukewarm in your faith when you are risking your life everyday to worship Jesus. Trials and tribulations are what purifies us. When our faith is tried and we pass the test, then we shall come forth as gold tried in the fire. This is why God does not give us everything we ask for right away. It is either because we asked not according to his will or he is testing our faith to make it greater. If God gave us everything we asked for right away, then we would not seek him how we should. God knows our deceitful hearts and knows when we are ready for a blessing or not. If we get something too quickly or easily then we might just turn away from God and forget him.

But in America, Christians have believed that they can go on living in willful sin and they will be perfectly fine. Jesus warned of these people and said they are the ones who say they believe with their mouth but their heart is far from him, and it is shown in their walk with God. Faith without works is dead. Show me someone who has faith but sits and does nothing. That is not faith. Faith is stepping out of our comfort zone or into the unknown because we trust God. If someone says they believe in God but don’t do anything that he has commanded, how do they really believe? If you believe in Gods word then you will live your life according to it. But if you do not believe in the word of God, then you will not be living as he says to live. Many Christians think they can just recognize that Jesus is the Lord and that is what saves them. But even the demons believe in God and they tremble. When tribulation comes these people will not be rooted enough in God and will fall away because they did not have the faith they thought they did. America will have terrible times ahead. Its judgment shall be great; for her delicacies and pride have lifted her up, and as she thought nothing evil shall come upon her, suddenly and unexpectedly will the storm come. Part of this pride is what the government has put in the hearts of the people to make them think they are the best and their is none better. The military is so strong, who can come against it? But surely, America will fall, and many of the people will not be ready for it.

Over a year ago, I was warning my mom of the great destruction and evil that will come upon America and this world. God is so angry with the state of the church in America. So much pride, arrogance, and lukewarmness. A little bit of yeast will rise the whole lump of dough just as a little sin will grow to be much more. We cannot compromise and allow sin in our lives. God will bring America down low, and the true sheep and goats will be separated. Only a remnant of Christians shall remain which are those who had their lamps full of oil like the parable of the 10 virgins that Jesus told. 5 were foolish and 5 were wise. The 5 that were wise had sought out the Lord early on before the door closed and had filled up their lamps of faith. The wise virgins are those who will be able to endure tribulation and not fall away, but for the foolish virgins it will be too late for them because they didn’t repent when they had the chance. The day of the Lord will come upon all evil doers suddenly and unaware. This is the day of their death.

Over a year ago, I was warning my mom of the great destruction and evil that will come upon America and this world. God is so angry with the state of the church in America. So much pride, arrogance, and lukewarmness. A little bit of yeast will rise the whole lump of dough just as a little sin will grow to be much more. We cannot compromise and allow sin in our lives. God will bring America down low, and the true sheep and goats will be separated. Only a remnant of Christians shall remain which are those who had their lamps full of oil like the parable of the 10 virgins that Jesus told. 5 were foolish and 5 were wise. The 5 that were wise had sought out the Lord early on before the door closed and had filled up their lamps of faith. The wise virgins are those who will be able to endure tribulation and not fall away, but for the foolish virgins it will be too late for them because they didn’t repent when they had the chance. The day of the Lord will come upon all evil doers suddenly and unaware. This is the day of their death. When tribulation comes to America, it will bring many to repentance, but God has given everyone numerous chances already and nobody knows when their end shall be. God will not allow what the wicked rulers of this world to continue in their ways forever. Their sins have reached far into heaven and the poor and afflicted peoples’ cries have reached up to Gods throne and into his ears. 


From purposely poisoned food, poison water, fluoride in water, chemtrails, messing with God’s creation through genetic modification, incredible advancements in technology for use of evil, people being addicted to entertainment and technology, mind control, wicked music, drugs, sex trafficking, child sacrifice and the exponentially rapid moral decay of America and the world, the world has truly been filled with evil. 10 or 15 years ago I would have never thought, pedophile drag queens would be being promoted and normalized in the media, but here we are. Much of the Christian church today is living so wicked. God is not happy with much of the church. They have said, “my sin is okay, God will forgive me and I don’t need to repent.” The Christian church has been infected with the false love of the Antichrist. The Antichrist comes in the name of love and peace. You can see this spirit rising up all across the world. Love and accept all sin and Christians are bigots but these people are hypocrites because they hate what is good and do not accept Christians. The closer people are to God, the more the world hates them. So many of Gods prophets, and even Jesus himself, were rejected by the world, despised, and murdered. The antichrist spirit makes people  think tolerance of sin is love. The churches today are filled with the antichrist spirit. Church buildings are very dangerous today and if you want to find the biggest devils, go to church buildings. They are full of evil teachings, false teachers, evil spirits, hypocrisy, Luciferian freemasons, and satanists. The Christians are who the Devil really wants to destroy and many Christians today are too immature and naive. 


Jesus said to love our enemies, but we are not to bid them godspeed and help them continue in their wickedness or tell them their sin is okay. Sin is death. Do you really love someone if you know their sin will lead them to their death but you don’t worn them about it? The blood will be on your hands if you don’t warn them. Even if you know it will upset them, or they will hate you for it, or they will be offended, you must tell them the truth because that is love. What loving father would see his child addicted to drugs and not tell him that he needs to stop doing drugs and try to help his son? A loving father will try to help his child even if the child hates him for it. This is how the Father in heaven works as well. He allows things to happen to us to correct us. The Father chastises those he loves and he loves us all greater than we can comprehend. However, God gives us all free will and does not force himself upon us, but is longsuffering and full of mercy. The Lord gives us many chances beyond what we deserve.


What I said above about the things going on in the world is what I told my mom. I said that God will not allow this to go on much longer. There is going to terrible things that will come upon America and it’s coming soon. We are living in the last days. The Bible says this and your eyes have to be shut to not see how things have been exponentially accelerating downward since the industrial revolution to the invention of TV, internet, social media, and artificial intelligence. Portals for demons and evil angels have been opening up more and more. This is why the wickedness is increasing so much and the love of many is growing cold. People are being constantly submersed in and living in sin all day long. You can’t go down the street without seeing a half naked woman walking around or an advertisement of one. You can’t turn on the tv without seeing wicked stuff. You cant turn on the radio without hearing music that glorifies sin. This world is totally out of control and filled with evil. After telling my mom this she said “oh, people have said its the end of the world forever and that I’m crazy, etc.” She was just nay saying and didn’t want hear anything I said. Jesus said nobody knows the day or the hour and all these false prophets setting dates such as Y2K have really done much harm. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. I told my mom very sternly, “If you don’t believe it, then pray about it. Just pray.” After this I prayed for her and I didn’t know it yet, but she prayed that night as well. The next day she was shopping at walmart and putting groceries in her car. Randomly an old man approached her and started talking to her and then gave her a paper. She had humbled herself the night before and God answered her very quickly. This is what the paper said:





            This is the story of a businessman named Dexter. He was successful in his ventures and as a result, became quite wealthy. He was a worldly fellow who liked to indulge in many pleasures, but his companies kept him so busy, that he hadn’t taken a vacation in many years.

            When a travel website caught his eye, he became interested in a Caribbean resort company that offered a “Getaway in Paradise”. When he called the company, the agent explained, “we own many small sand-bar styles islands that we rent to our clients, and although they are clustered in the same region, they’re far enough apart to give you privacy in your tropical hideaway!”

            “Wow”, Dexter exclaimed, “that’s for me”. So, he booked a week on his “private island” and prepared for departure. In a few days, he found himself on his own little island with his own private beach and bungalow. “This is great!”, he thought.

            Dexter spent each day swimming, lying in his beach chair, and grilling steaks and rock lobster; what a great place to be!

            On the third day of his stay, he noticed a small boat approaching the island. As the craft got closer, Dexter could see a little old man at the helm. “You need to pack up and come with me”, the old man hollered, “there is a big storm coming this way!”

            Dexter said, “What are you talking about? The sky is blue with balmy breezes. I don’t believe there’s a storm. Go bother the folks on the other islands.” So, the old man left.

            The next day, the same old man returns, bringing the same warning. “Please sir, there’s a massive storm system coming this way. Grab your belongings and come with me!”

            “Look,” Dexter snapped, “I simply don’t believe you. I see no evidence of any storm or hurricane, and I’m not giving up my fun or vacation.” Now, for the last time, LEAVE ME ALONE!” Again, the old man left.

            On the fifth day, Dexter was awakened by a cold breeze blowing through his hut. As he looked out across the ocean, he noticed a strange color on the horizon. As the day progressed, the disturbance came closer. Soon, he could see what looked like flashes amidst the dark clouds, and he became alarmed! He reached into his backpack and grabbed his cell phone…. There was no signal! Frantically, he watched for the return of the little old man, but, NO boat ever came. By the evening, the storm had reached the island with severe lightning and gale-forced winds. The massive hurricane took the island. Dexter was consumed!


            Now, the old man had just arrived back at port, evacuating the remaining guests from other islands. Some of the other tourists were asking what had happened to that man who wouldn’t leave his island. “I’m afraid he didn’t make it.”, the old man said. “He wouldn’t accept the storm.” Then a guest commented, “What a tragedy”. To which, the old man replied, “sadly, many people view God the same way.” “What do you mean?”, someone asked. “Well”, the old man continued, “some folks think if they choose not to believe, then God’s judgement won’t come. But, refusing to accept truth, doesn’t keep it from coming. The judgement of God is real, and all sinners will face God’s wrath.”

“Then what hope do we have?” asked a guest. The old man explained that anyone who will repent, receiving God’s forgiveness paid for by Christ’s death on the cross, and follow after Jesus, will be spared of God’s judgement and receive eternal life!


            You too, can receive eternal life by praying this simple prayer, sincerely, and believing…


            Lord Jesus Christ, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, but, I accept your death on the cross as full payment for my sins. Forgive me of all my sins. I believe in you and will follow you for the rest of my life. Amen!

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